Hey did you know...


Raven & Blood
Oct 3, 2001
the dark winter
that this band called War has Peter in the band and some dude from Dark Funeral in it yeah they play black metal. Haven't heard songs myself but i must see if i can check em out somewhere. They have 3 albums out yea the names are "Total War" "We Are War" "We Are Total War" yeah brilliant huh. Hehe their song titles and everything is funny satan this satan that war this war that hehe. Anyway just tellin' if someone didn't know about em i'll go search for mp3's of the band now somewhere...
"We Are Total War" is split "Total War" MCD and "We Are War" CD. and was released by the name TOTAL WAR. i don't know what's going with this name, but i think when w WAR split up, label changed band name and released both albums under this funny name... btw: it was sidproject All of OPHTHALAMIA with a few well know names from In Aeternum, Dark Funeral and Peter (only on "Total War")
small update...

"Total War" line-up:
All - voc
Peter - drums
Mikael Hedlund - bass
It - guitar
Blackmoon - guitar

"We Are War" line-up:
All - voc
Blackmoon - guitar
Impious - bass
Lars Szoke - drums