So Dems are Tree Hugging Hippies Huh?

dying from heatstroke has nothing to do with healthcare, but since i was born and raised in france and moved here 6years ago, i also know the difference in what is better and i can guarantie you that france has a much better system than the american one. Most european countries envy our system, and yes canadian healthcare is also better. Like i said, no one asks for ur credit card in hospital in france or in canada, i know bcs i've been in those situation many times.
CoverUinOil said:
dying from heatstroke has nothing to do with healthcare...
I know. The article I posted wasn't about that. It was about malpractice as a whole.

but since i was born and raised in france and moved here 6years ago, i also know the difference in what is better and i can guarantie you that france has a much better system than the american one.Most european countries envy our system, and yes canadian healthcare is also better.
First, things can change quite a bit in six years. I don't know how good a healthcare system is if 10000 old people die in a heat wave because everyone's off playing grabass or something. Second, I ask you again to furnish some articles to prove your points. I did.

Like i said, no one asks for ur credit card in hospital in france or in canada, i know bcs i've been in those situation many times.
What is wrong with asking for a credit card if people can afford to buy their own healthcare? I don't think that the government should stay out of the healthcare system entirely, I just think that private enterprise improves health care, and that most of the catastrophic injuries and such can be handled by private insurance companies (when Milton Friedman wrote 'Free to Choose' insurance companies handled 90%. I know it's an old book, but if we haven't got that then it's what we could have.)

God bless,
ok dude, how old are you again, and how many times have u left your country to go somewhere else for work? my father has worked in both countries and so did , i also know where my taxes went and know for a fact that i dont have to go buy an hmo in france and can still go to the doctor get a bill and be reimbursed 100%. your fact are dumb as hell, first of all it says that the world envies american health care, bullshit, no one wants it bcs no one can afford it. second the only thing people envie of this country is the fat cars monkey drive around.
I certainly dont need to read your facts only bcs of the fact that i lived in both country and you havent so i suggest you shut the fuck up already with ur so high patriotism bcs it gets really old sometimes. Would you go tell a vietnam vet that agent orange didnt cause cancer bcs the government tells you so when in fact it does?
CoverUinOil said:
ok dude, how old are you again, and how many times have u left your country to go somewhere else for work? my father has worked in both countries and so did , i also know where my taxes went and know for a fact that i dont have to go buy an hmo in france and can still go to the doctor get a bill and be reimbursed 100%. your fact are dumb as hell, first of all it says that the world envies american health care, bullshit, no one wants it bcs no one can afford it. second the only thing people envie of this country is the fat cars monkey drive around.
I certainly dont need to read your facts only bcs of the fact that i lived in both country and you havent so i suggest you shut the fuck up already with ur so high patriotism bcs it gets really old sometimes. Would you go tell a vietnam vet that agent orange didnt cause cancer bcs the government tells you so when in fact it does?

Jesus Christ dude, when they talk about healthcare being better in the US they are talking about the quality of the care, they talk about the advancements we have made Surgical practices,advanced equipment like CAT scans and shit,not the cost. Yeah mabey in france you can go to the doctor and get reimbursed 100% but I would rather owe them and go to a hospital that has ALL the lastest equipment and doctors that are competent and know ALL the latest surgical process`s
^ signed. Furthermore, I have read studies from the AMA that say precisely the same thing that HHS did.

Our health care is the highest quality in the world. Rather than gripe at me and accuse me of being spoonfed bullshit from our government, refute one fact in that report.

God bless,
I'm definitely stupid for asking this, but what happened July 15th?

God bless,
what good is quality if you cant afford it? i have a new born daughter, and had to go to 3 different pediatricians to get 2 different opinion. The funny thing was that the two doctors who diagnosised wrong are graduate from american skool, the one who was right happen to be a med from Israel (yes he's a jew and like Peter Griffin said in family "If you get a jew, all your problems will be solved") So how good exactly is healthcare?
Also your technology might be the best, but its available worldwide, medecine is not something a country can copyright and own, its shared throughout the entire world, so all your catscans and microcam surgery are available elsewhere. FYI, LaSorbone (Medical Institute in Paris) happens to be where the elite doctors study!
It's not all available worldwide and the prices are high because of frivolous lawsuits. Elite doctors also studt at Johns Hopkins, and I'd be willing to bet that Johns Hopkins could kick LaSorbone's ass in everything right down to a chili cookoff.

God bless,
you are obviously proving to me that your education and knowledge revolves only around america but for your info there are other places in the world that can do better than you. Like i said before, travel the world and your eyes will open to a whole lot more than just 50states
Yep. I'll just fall in love with the Darfur Region and Haiti and Cuba and Russia and Chechnya and The whole middle east (I'd actually like to see Israel though).

God bless,
Cuba will rise to a better level the day castro dies and the underground takes over. Its only a matter of time. Haiti was left to monkeys so no wonder why its going the way it is. As far as russia goes, its a lost place in the fuckin cold...why would anyone wana try to be president there???
I've been to thirty four countries, the state of Tennessee is better than them all.

Cuba will rise to a better level the day castro dies and the underground takes over. Its only a matter of time. Haiti was left to monkeys so no wonder why its going the way it is. As far as russia goes, its a lost place in the fuckin cold...why would anyone wana try to be president there???
True about Cuba.

Haiti .... France, enough said.

Russia has been nothing but a failure for a long long time. The Romanov's fucked up, the Soviets fucked up, and the new government continually fucks up. My folks are Russian, and always say what a smart move it was to get out.
I Like the way you think!!

Evil Dead said:
I've been to thirty four countries, the state of Tennessee is better than them all.

True about Cuba.

Haiti .... France, enough said.

Russia has been nothing but a failure for a long long time. The Romanov's fucked up, the Soviets fucked up, and the new government continually fucks up. My folks are Russian, and always say what a smart move it was to get out.