On my way to get my Texas D.L. .....


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
And then I can get my mossburg shotgun and prepare to light up the Islamic world with my love. I have to say that after these people killed that woman who helped that shit race of people for 30 years I have to say death to Islam. I hope to god we have a race war in America and we kill these scum from here to mecca. They are a waste of human flesh.
I just started reading "early Islam" ...a time life publication.......... From what they say in this book is Mohammed had a vision that there was one true god Allah.....when he started preaching this shit to the people in Mecca they kicked his ass out and he moved to meddina........he found a number of people who fell for his bullshit and he took 300 people and set out to Mecca ........when the meccans heard of this , they sent and army of 1000 warriors to kill him and his followers......well.... Some how Mohammed and his followers killed the army sent out to kill them.........so people began to say " Allah protected Mohammed and his followers so he must be a true prophet" hence a new religion was born................Mohammed also had 9 wives the youngest.......a 10 year old girl who still played with her dolls, he was in his 50s...........moral of the first chapter...............Mohammed was a schitzophrenic child molester....................
They make great shotguns. Franchi make an amazing Italian style shotgun, very pricy, but oh so sweet. And Charles Daly has some beautys.

Nothing will protect your home and family better than a well cared for shotgun. Maybe one day some idiot will break into (or try to) break into my house, then I can fill em up with some good ol Dixie Slugs.

Have fun with your gun Billy.
Buzzard said:
And then I can get my mossburg shotgun .
Buzzard said:
And then I can get my mossburg shotgun and prepare to light up the Islamic world with my love. I have to say that after these people killed that woman who helped that shit race of people for 30 years I have to say death to Islam. I hope to god we have a race war in America and we kill these scum from here to mecca. They are a waste of human flesh.
Awesome! Those muslim fucks have no repsect for other human life, and need to be killed. If Muhammed had been killed by that army the world would be a better place.
Buzzard said:
I have to say that after these people killed that woman who helped that shit race of people for 30 years I have to say death to Islam. I hope to god we have a race war in America and we kill these scum from here to mecca. They are a waste of human flesh.

I'm NOT normally too nasty...... BUT that PADDY WHACK TRAITOR PAKI BITCH deserves to die...Do these Liberal tree hugging,paki shagging,lesbian wanaB's really think these animals give a flying fuck about all the help she gave the sick kids???.Now the libral fucks over here are saying "what do you expect when U.S marines shoot wounded men"....WHAT THE FUCK>> that raqi camel fucker could have been loaded or anything 1st rule of combat a wounded solider should be a dead solider as he is the most dangerous solider..
I'm doing a Billy tonight (bit pissed & typing)(badly)..old school you are a bright geezer for reading that shit...i dare'nt as it will fuel my hatered for that book of hate,fucked up,pig hating,women hating (if i made my woman walk 2 paces behind me she'd fucking slap me silly)liberal loving shit religion....
ARE THERE ANY MUSLIMS READING THIS BOARD ON THE Q.T if so show yourself and try and defend.....

PEACE I"m pissed
nik said:
I'm NOT normally too nasty...... BUT that PADDY WHACK TRAITOR PAKI BITCH deserves to die...Do these Liberal tree hugging,paki shagging,lesbian wanaB's really think these animals give a flying fuck about all the help she gave the sick kids???.Now the libral fucks over here are saying "what do you expect when U.S marines shoot wounded men"....WHAT THE FUCK>> that raqi camel fucker could have been loaded or anything 1st rule of combat a wounded solider should be a dead solider as he is the most dangerous solider..
I'm doing a Billy tonight (bit pissed & typing)(badly)..old school you are a bright geezer for reading that shit...i dare'nt as it will fuel my hatered for that book of hate,fucked up,pig hating,women hating (if i made my woman walk 2 paces behind me she'd fucking slap me silly)liberal loving shit religion....
ARE THERE ANY MUSLIMS READING THIS BOARD ON THE Q.T if so show yourself and try and defend.....

PEACE I"m pissed
I am trying to keep myself informed on what we are up against.........After all you need to know and understand the enemy ..........as for the soldier that killed that terrorist...... my first reaction to seeing that video was .....that was a pretty fucked up thing to do with a camera right there in the room, but after thinking about it, with all those fuckers playing dead and loading themselves up with exsplosives, hiding weapons to kill US soldiers......I say good for him.................Its war, not pick the good from the bad, kill them all and let allah sort them out....................
Ive stopped using Praise Allah seasoning.

For a religon that says "oh we support peace, we all want to be peaceful. Its only a few that cause us grief!" Well seeing the palestinians and other Arabs burning american flags, celebrating in the streets after 9/11 makes wonder about muslim math.

I have honestly never seen a people use their religon as a crutch more so than muslims.

The other day in Fallujah, Marines sent messages over loudspeakers for residents to come to a mosque to get food/water and supplies. Well about 300 people show up. The marines start testing everyones hands for gunpowder residue. They arrested 57 jawas that had been recently fighting them, and had gunpowder residue on their hands.

They will take a handout from American lickity split it seems.
Evil Dead said:
Ive stopped using Praise Allah seasoning.

For a religon that says "oh we support peace, we all want to be peaceful. Its only a few that cause us grief!" Well seeing the palestinians and other Arabs burning american flags, celebrating in the streets after 9/11 makes wonder about muslim math.

I have honestly never seen a people use their religon as a crutch more so than muslims.

The other day in Fallujah, Marines sent messages over loudspeakers for residents to come to a mosque to get food/water and supplies. Well about 300 people show up. The marines start testing everyones hands for gunpowder residue. They arrested 57 jawas that had been recently fighting them, and had gunpowder residue on their hands.

They will take a handout from American lickity split it seems.

That islam is a phoney religion practiced by the dreggs of the world who hate anyone who has anything.
Evil Dead said:
Ive stopped using Praise Allah seasoning.
The other day in Fallujah, Marines sent messages over loudspeakers for residents to come to a mosque to get food/water and supplies. Well about 300 people show up. The marines start testing everyones hands for gunpowder residue. They arrested 57 jawas that had been recently fighting them, and had gunpowder residue on their hands.
OWNED! We can get hadji and be humanitarian at the same time.
Cryptkeeper said:
Exactly. Nobody is buying the "we're anti-terror" bullshit anymore, and some people are FINALLY starting to see that Islam needs to be wipped off the face of the earth!

Save for the blue states of America. But that comes to no surprise.

I normally respect any other human being and their right to believe what they choose to, however, there are exceptions to every rule. And this is one of them.
I never respected muslims and their religion of "hatred". Sure there are many that step up and defend their religion by claiming it is truly a doctrine of peace and love. But these are evidently the acolytes that have yet to read their beloved Quran. The tome is full of scriptures of hate and murder and is the chief cause for one of the world's root dilemmas.
It is also the reason why we are having to invest time and immense effort in the Middle-east, to defend these borders and others, from idiotic radicals. Some can't seem to grasp this. :erk:
I wish people would rely on themselves instead of using religion as an excuse/crutch for everything they do.

God/Allah didnt get me my latest promotion.