I changed my mind: Let's get outta Iraq

gaschamber said:
i DO hate when niggaz steppin on my AF1's

Awww shit son!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Evil - yea our pilot in his high suit had no insignia etc.

we were in Saudi so that wasn't a problem...Dude you know whats fucked up....Remembre Khobar Towers in Daharan,,,outside of Riyadh ?

Where you used to come incountry to Saudi to inprocess or stay before being shipped off elsewhere ?

I remember being outside of the tower that was eventually destroyed with my 1st Sgt. waiting for the rest of our group....i can plain as fucking day stare out and it was flat...and nothing but a wire fence and little shack.

and we both looked there and this is a fucking joke, one gas truck ( easy to find in saudi ) with TNT would wipe out much of the complex....

sure enough june 1996 that is what they did. The building i stayed in was leveled and 19 pararescue (Air Force special forces) died in the evuacuation of others.

The fucking saudi governement would not let us build better barriers, so before the whole get Saddam climate changed they wasted all that money on the tent city in the middle of fucking no where...i missed that fun spot, then the Complex that now i bet isn't used since we moved to other arab places such as Qatar which are a little more friendly to us...

I actually wasn't in Daha. or Riyadh or the other place forgot the name north of Riyadh...i was in Taif, clear off on the east coast near Jeddah, Mecca and Medina...
IAN442 said:
Evil - yea our pilot in his high suit had no insignia etc.

we were in Saudi so that wasn't a problem...Dude you know whats fucked up....Remembre Khobar Towers in Daharan,,,outside of Riyadh ?

Where you used to come incountry to Saudi to inprocess or stay before being shipped off elsewhere ?

I remember being outside of the tower that was eventually destroyed with my 1st Sgt. waiting for the rest of our group....i can plain as fucking day stare out and it was flat...and nothing but a wire fence and little shack.

and we both looked there and this is a fucking joke, one gas truck ( easy to find in saudi ) with TNT would wipe out much of the complex....

sure enough june 1996 that is what they did. The building i stayed in was leveled and 19 pararescue (Air Force special forces) died in the evuacuation of others.

The fucking saudi governement would not let us build better barriers, so before the whole get Saddam climate changed they wasted all that money on the tent city in the middle of fucking no where...i missed that fun spot, then the Complex that now i bet isn't used since we moved to other arab places such as Qatar which are a little more friendly to us...

I actually wasn't in Daha. or Riyadh or the other place forgot the name north of Riyadh...i was in Taif, clear off on the east coast near Jeddah, Mecca and Medina...

Never went to Saudi. I'm in AFSOC and we really didnt do any middle east shit until 9/11, just south american drug stuff. I hate saudi though. My old boss was in the towers when they blew up, went through three walls he said. We have moved to other friendlier nations, Oman..Qatar (is nice) Kuwait was always nice. THe worst place I was ever at..a field in Pakistan..fuck that place in the ass threeways.
gaschamber said:
that is honestly the best thing ive ever heard in my life...

im not gay but im totally obsessed with patrick bateman.

I am too, minus the murderous rage to Huey Lewis, I want to be like him! I just want to be Christian Bale, hes a bad motha fucker. Ever seen Machinist? What the FUCK did that guy do to lose all that weight, it was creepy.

Ive been sleeping with this girl this weekend, and she was asking why my closet doors have mirrors. So I told her, "when we are screwing I can look into the mirrors and flex" She hadnt see American Psycho so she didnt think it was funny..but she will..I just need to get her to lay at the foot of the bed next time hah.
Evil Dead said:
I am too, minus the murderous rage to Huey Lewis, I want to be like him! I just want to be Christian Bale, hes a bad motha fucker. Ever seen Machinist? What the FUCK did that guy do to lose all that weight, it was creepy.

Ive been sleeping with this girl this weekend, and she was asking why my closet doors have mirrors. So I told her, "when we are screwing I can look into the mirrors and flex" She hadnt see American Psycho so she didnt think it was funny..but she will..I just need to get her to lay at the foot of the bed next time hah.

i havent seen the machanist, but when its mentioned all i hear about it is his weight. maybe you should keep a nail gun handy also in the bedroom.
gaschamber said:
i havent seen the machanist, but when its mentioned all i hear about it is his weight. maybe you should keep a nail gun handy also in the bedroom.

His weight is SICK! I mean..the movie is good but its creepy cuz the dude is so skinny, and he can barely talk..it looks like its a huge effort for him to do anything. I have a nailgun and newspapers on the floor.
Jurched said:

You see, I was eating BBQ for lunch when it dawned on me:

Those people do not deserve our help!

I blame the ordinary people of Iraq for the miserable state of their country. They are at fault from beginning to end. We did what we were supposed to do. We overthrew the dictator, abolished the Baath party, granted them an opportunity to make something of themselves. And they didn't. They just pissed it away.


Stupid bastards!

Our dignity and respectability remain intact if our El lamo Presidente points at the average Iraqi citizen and says: "You are animals. We tried to help, but you are just filthy animals and I hope you die. So, bye bye bye, as Justin Timberlake says."

You see, I believe in the collective guilt of whole nations. There's no such thing as a poor people trodden under the heel of one man. After all, lots of people say the Germans are collectively responsible for Nazi atrocities, so let's make the average Iraqi mother of nine responsible for Saddam's killing fields!

When Germany was totally defeated, the US began denazificiation among ALL the people to bring an end to the culture of a police-terror state. You know what happened to a German who owned a gun during those days? He was imprisoned in the American zone, and brutally executed in the Soviet zone.

The US should've adopted the harsh policy of first clamping a vise around the average Iraqi's neck, squeezing Baathism out of his brains, forcing the locals to surrender their weapons on pain of death, and releasing the state once the whole fuckin place was deBaathified.

Sadly, such a policy of collective guilt for Saddam's rule was not acted on, and so we couldn't force the population to live normally afterward. I mean 20 damn years of terror, where government officials used torture and death on a bureaucratic basis, DOES NOT DISAPPEAR over night.

The only way for it to disappear now is for us to say "We did our part, Saddam is gone, and so are his best lieutenants, fuck you, yer on yer own!"

Before Saddam, Iraq was a dictatorship, but it had the best schools, the best hospitals, the best roads, and the highest standard of living in the Middle East. Thanks to his Baathist terror state, the place is hell on earth, and the little people are pleased to be its imps. So, Fuck em!

Fuck the average Iraqi child on the burnt out streets of Fallujah! Not worth saving from a sniper. Fuck the oradinary Iraqi woman, who wants to go to the market. Let her get riddled with bullets on the way home!

FUCK em!
FUCK em!
FUCK em!


I agree, those selfish and greedy Iraqis deserve nothing, despite being oppressed by a ruthless dictator who was backed by the US for a decade.

Seriously, they don't deserve our help. Just because we gave Saddam the gas he used to kill thousands in the 80s does not mean we're responsible in any way.

Those stupid homeless, malnurished Iraqis can burn in hell for not having the manpower to overthrow Saddam and his massive army.

They're so lazy, those spoiled Iraqi brats. They live in paradise and they chose to throw it away.
Ya know, ConservativeWarrrior, I used to think you were a fuckin asshole. No really, I did. I thought you were blowin shit out your ass, makin a mockery of everything I hold dear.

But you.... make SO much sense! I just find myself agreeing with your lucid statements, like every time.

I don't know what else to say, man... Its just awesome. Awesome.

I mean, its good to know there are prophets out there willing to say the hard things, the RIGHT things, without apologies or worries. Keep up the good work, dude. I'm printing out your lines and distributing them to some friends at the pool hall. They're like, "We gotta find this conservativewarrior guy, and have him speak at our school."

No shit, you're starting a reactionary revolution around here, man. Pouring scarlet red all over this blue state, one beaten gipsy fag at a time!

Its... inspirationnnnnnnn.


Christian Bale is awesome...

I have always had mirrors in my bedroom for that same purpose...great shit. Nothing like banging a girl while flexing your muscles in the mirror...as for the fat chick watching from the next bed? I woulda asked her to join or told her she was next! bwahahaha!
Evil Dead said:
I dont think we should have ever gone over there. Its best to let Arabs kill Arabs. That is what they are FANTASTIC AT! But the civlians are fucking useless overthere. How do FIFTY people get kidnapped from a bus station? How do they let a busload of fucking school kids get murdered? The middle east is filled with greed and treachery, no honor and no loyalty. Look at any country colonized or taken over by a European country then left to their own accords..Haiti, anywhere in Africa, the Middle east. Besides American and Japan most countries are in shambles.

The Middle East, and Islam..only knows one thing - Violence. They must be ruled by an iron fist. America wants to help people and to let them develop themselve. But we forget that just because our ancestors had a will to fight to have their own country and we developed quickly into the worlds super power, doesnt mean that some area that has been ruled by retarded violence for 1000's of years is going to do the same thing.

The Iraqi people have been given the chance and the tools (us military at their expense) to develop into a great country but they have failed miserably like all other rathole desert countries. Instead of embracing what could be a bright future they resort to petty bickering and infighting. Praise allah and islam!

Ever notice how "nice" the countries were when ruled by Britian. They should have kept those fuckers in the dark.

Fuck Iraq. Fuck the Middle East. Let them destroy each other. I think Israel can take care of themselves. It would be great to see a Jewish state destroy the muslims. That part of the world is in a never ending cycle of destruction. It is like gang violence. Fucking gangster one is mad that someone disrespected him by stepping on his new air force 1's so he kills him. No one can swallow pride or show humility anymore.

I say we neutron bomb the earth. Moonbase E.D. is now open for business and its very selective. No christians, muslims, or jews. Like 20 dudes and lots of women that are Bi. I will have a cornicopia of ethnic love slaves, it will be grand. No redheads though sorry YOU ARE THE WEAKEST LINK! Go grow potatoes on some asteroid.

Show me a bomb big enough to kill us all and I'll be first to light it.
This whole stinking spew infested world is not worth the effort it would take to save it. Man's knowledge has grown beyond rehabilitation.
No mankind and all of it's glorious wisdom endangers us all.
It's wisdom gives us all kinds of nice weapons of mass destruction, the byproducts of it's intellect include radioactive and chemical waste, cancer, pollution, hell I don't need to continue on I think you get the idea.
What man creates he can destroy, it's just a matter of time.
FatherDamnation said:
No mankind and all of it's glorious wisdom endangers us all.
It's wisdom gives us all kinds of nice weapons of mass destruction, the byproducts of it's intellect include radioactive and chemical waste, cancer, pollution, hell I don't need to continue on I think you get the idea.
What man creates he can destroy, it's just a matter of time.

yes what you said is true, but the truth of the matter is that humans primal function is the brain, and the brain thinks (at least some peoples). if it werent for all the fucked up doctors in the death camps in germany, you wouldnt have advanced medical science now...like isaac newton said "for every action there is a reaction"....its true, theres good and bad with everything. granted he was talking about other shit, but it holds true to this too.
Yes indeed my friend.
I was only stating that the bad now far out weighs the good.
Man has done his actions and it's the reactions from his deeds that will seal his fate. The most pure of heart can do evil if it does not realize it is evil and never feel remorse or guilt for the action. How many priest through the inquisitions died feeling remorse for the innocents that they murdered out of ignorance. It is centuries later and still some will argue the degree of evil that they inflicted in the name of god on their fellow man.
Slashdementia said:
Here's onother guy who keeps forgetting that the US supported Saddam in the eighties. ooooops.

And there are plenty of girls I have called cunts, years after I banged them. What's your point?