It's that time of year again, get ready to throw down.


Sep 11, 2005
Ok, all of you conservative culture warriors,

Christmas is around the corner, and I have no doubt that the liberals are already making plans to attack it. Heck, I've witnessed two attacks already.
There was a "Happy Holidays" slogan in the mall, and there are "Seasons Greetings" signs hanging from my town's lamp posts. Both of which are a slap in the face to America's Judeo-Christian heritage.


So what are we going to do, fellow Republicans? Are we going just let these multi-culturalists have their way with our traditions? Heck no!!! We need to get out there and say "Merry Christmas". I absolutely refuse to acknowledge "Happy Holidays" as a greeting this year. As I have done in the past.
So, who's with me in fighting these Godless greetings ?
It's time for a Shoot-out.
Ok, all of you conservative culture warriors,

Christmas is around the corner, and I have no doubt that the liberals are already making plans to attack it. Heck, I've witnessed two attacks already.
There was a "Happy Holidays" slogan in the mall, and there are "Seasons Greetings" signs hanging from my town's lamp posts. Both of which are a slap in the face to America's Judeo-Christian heritage.


So what are we going to do, fellow Republicans? Are we going just let these multi-culturalists have their way with our traditions? Heck no!!! We need to get out there and say "Merry Christmas". I absolutely refuse to acknowledge "Happy Holidays" as a greeting this year. As I have done in the past.
So, who's with me in fighting these Godless greetings ?
It's time for a Shoot-out.
While I am not a religious person, I will be saying Merry Christmas and saying it loud, but only in hopes I offend someone.
How about "Merry fucking Christmas....asshole"?

How dare you?....
Putting the 'F' word between two sacred Judeo-Christain words? You should be ashamed. If I were a lesser man,... I'd put a boot in your ass, just like Toby Keith would . You Liberal scum!!!!!!!!
Just come on down south.... We'll show you how a real patriot acts when it comes to Christmas. We respect the flag, and we do not tolerate any of your Liberal Fag talk!!!
To quote SueNC...

Why do you Liberals hate America???
You just want the terrorists to win...You traitor.
Ok, all of you conservative culture warriors,

Christmas is around the corner, and I have no doubt that the liberals are already making plans to attack it. Heck, I've witnessed two attacks already.
There was a "Happy Holidays" slogan in the mall, and there are "Seasons Greetings" signs hanging from my town's lamp posts. Both of which are a slap in the face to America's Judeo-Christian heritage.


So what are we going to do, fellow Republicans? Are we going just let these multi-culturalists have their way with our traditions? Heck no!!! We need to get out there and say "Merry Christmas". I absolutely refuse to acknowledge "Happy Holidays" as a greeting this year. As I have done in the past.
So, who's with me in fighting these Godless greetings ?
It's time for a Shoot-out.

Sorry, Doc. Yer sarcasm is as worn out as ConservativeWarrior's. Better to just call shit "shit" and spare us the drama.

I'm completley anti christian, and anti religion. But guess what. Christmas was/is a religous holiday and I will say MERRY CHRISTMAS. I get time off from school! Granted christmas is totally baseless on being the birth of Jesus, its a good idea..and part of culture. I love my country, and any holiday that is part of this country I respect, even if I am not part of the religion.

Except kwanza..thats just funny.
I'm completley anti christian, and anti religion. But guess what. Christmas was/is a religous holiday and I will say MERRY CHRISTMAS. I get time off from school! Granted christmas is totally baseless on being the birth of Jesus, its a good idea..and part of culture. I love my country, and any holiday that is part of this country I respect, even if I am not part of the religion.

Except kwanza..thats just funny.

"Well... isn't that special".
--The Church Lady (Dana Carvey from SNL)--