It's that time of year again......


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Well, with Christmas fast approaching and last PQ rehearsals for 2010 this coming weekend, I thought it was time for my traditional end of year/Christmas round up for you all.

It's been one hell of a busy year really. From finally getting the new line up of the band right in March, then recording the demos, working hard on the material, recording Blood Alliance at Foel Studios to mixing and mastering in Italy......where has the year gone? Major thanks to Dave Anderson and Chris Fielding at Foel and Nick Savio at Remaster studio as well!

I'd like to thank you all for your unwavering support as ever throughout the course of 2011. As always, it is very much appreciated on my part. As I've said many times over the guys are as much a part of Power Quest as we are. Without you guys we certainly wouldn't still be here.

I'm working very hard with our management on festivals, tours and a very special show for 2011 and I really can't wait to get out on the road and see as many of you as possible on the road. I know it's been a while since we've been on tour, and certainly since we played some headline shows so that needs to be dealt with! haha!

I'd also like to remember the late, great RJD as of my all time heros and a gentleman indeed. A really tragic loss to the world of metal and rock this year. Long may he be remembered:headbang:

I hope everyone has a really awesome Christmas and holiday season when it finally arrives. Whether you are spending time with family, taking a well earned holiday, or just chilling out at home.......enjoy it! Raise a glass to the "Blood Alliance" too :kickass:

All the very best, one and all!


Best wishes to all the past and present Power Quest members! We all know it's been a crazy year for you especially, Steve, and I think everyone will agree with me when I say we're all extremely grateful for all you've done.

Same to all the forum members, have a great holiday season!
Happy holiday's everyone! :kickass:
I'm having to cancel a lot of my holiday at work at the moment due to a real bastard of a project that has been going on for almost 6 months. It was supposed to be signed off September 14th! final sign off is on the horizon now though, looking to be 22nd December. I put Magic Never Dies on my laptop to help me get through the day so thanks Steve :headbang: when i need some powerful uplifting tunes i know you've got it covered.
Can't wait for Blood Alliance and another chance to see the Quest in action. last time was quite the experience... ended up with tinnitus! i blame the front of house guy and the fire alarm for that though. as well as some of the support that wasn't necessary haha

Really looking forward to the Power albums next year has to offer and those awesome discoveries you have no idea how you managed to overlook.
Around this time last year we were gearing up to go on tour with Michael Schenker... how time flies! Steve told me when I joined the Quest how PQ fans are the most loyal and best fans in the world, and I certainly have to adhere to that. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all your support guys, I promise you shall all be rewarded in 2011.

Have a great festive period whatever you do everyone!
Happy holidays to all of us, and especially to you Steve, for your hard work with Power Quest. Keep it up.
We had a kick ass last rehearsal of 2010 over the weekend and then we hit the town on Saturday night where vast amounts of guiness, whisky, cider, smirnoff and lager were consumed! Some sore heads on Sunday!
Hey I mean after all the hard work on Blood Alliance you guys deserve to celebrate a little

Hey Steve are you guys gonna start touring or something after Blood Alliance is released?