2011 - 10th Anniversary of Power Quest


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
As many of you will know, 2011 will mark the 10 years since I formed Power Quest! We intend to make 2011 a really special year to celebrate the past decade and look forward to the next 10 years.

Obviously the release of "Blood Alliance" will be one of the major things, but we are already working on the first live shows for 2011 as well.

Watch this space........:headbang:
Needless to say a very very hearty congratulations to PQ for every dazzling year of success and endless entertainment. Here's to the next decade of glory! :kickass:

I seem to remember some ideas of a reunion gig or a live DVD...? Might just be my wishful thinking though :)
Yeah that's still on my radar Dom.....but it will come down to finance as ever. It's kind of ironic in some ways when you look at the financials......I was asked about this the other day and the harsh reality of the music business at our level is that I would be much better off financially if I had never got involved in the business lol! Having said that though, if you judge the value of things in purely monetary terms then something is definitely wrong. There is way more to life than money....that's for sure!
Totally agree with you there Steve and Dom said it best for the congratulations!

As for special things in 2011, you guys playing a venue in Sheffield would certainly be immense for me personally and for some of my friends who would no doubt come and see you guys live.

In fact, I dare you to play a gig in Chesterfield, my hometown! Haha!

On a serious note, of course again, money, demand etc would have it's say I presume?
Congrats on 10 years of great music guys! Who cares about the money at the end of the day. When we die we can't take it with us :)

This quote sums it up nicely:
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

Let's hope Karuna will be able support PQ on some of the dates in 2011!
Congratulations on 10 Quest filled years! financially it may have been better not to get involved but you do it for the love and it really comes through in the music. there's something to be said for following your heart
I'm sorry that PQ hasn't financially been the best thing for you, Steve, but if it means anything at all, Neverworld's one of my all-time favorite power metal albums. Must've spun that thing two dozen times straight before even thinking about listening to anything else... then I got the other albums, haha. So, as a fan, I gotta say you've done a seriously kickass job!

10 years of the Quest coming up; here's to many more! :kickass:
Oh I'm not complaining at all guys! I always wanted to make an album....and having made 4 and about to make a 5th.....the achievement has gone way beyond what I ever expected and I really appreciate the fact that you guys and lots of other PQ fans are "real" fans which means a lot.

I'd love to be able to deliver everything that I've got in my head as ideas and you guys have suggested to me as ideas too.....the rarities album, DVD, lots of lines of merchandise etc but I really wanted everyone to know that these things don't happen just because I don't want them too. I would like nothing more than to be able to produce all these things, you know?

The Blood Alliance is coming........
As a student I can say I know what it's like to be pressed for money and wanting to do all these things that you've thought up in your head (be it realistic or not :p ) :p

We're with you all the way, steve :)
its going to be an awesome year, im looking forward to the future with power quest and meeting all you cool people. being part of power quest for me is personaly the best thing that ever happend i couldnt wish to ever work with such great people. the new album sounds great we cant wait for the release. :D
Hey guys, sorry its been a while. all i can say is i cant wait to play live with this group its going to be awesome! also i have heard the rough mixes of the album it f ing rocks! the songs are great and the solos im really plaesed with. cant wait for you guys to hear it and see what you think. Rock on!
The band in their many different configurations have brought so much pure unadulterated delight to so many folks, ourselves included, over the years, long may it continue and let's make that 10th anniversary one hell of a year to celebrate the mighty Power Quest and all that sing along to their songs.
I'm sorry that PQ hasn't financially been the best thing for you, Steve, but if it means anything at all, Neverworld's one of my all-time favorite power metal albums. Must've spun that thing two dozen times straight before even thinking about listening to anything else... then I got the other albums, haha. So, as a fan, I gotta say you've done a seriously kickass job!

10 years of the Quest coming up; here's to many more! :kickass:

i have to agree, the Neverworld album changed my life musically