Well, it's that time of year again! Holiday wishes...

Mr Toast

Aug 1, 2002

I had hoped to do a different card this year, but I've been immensely sidetracked, (Also, that thing I was working on gals? Well at this point I've mostly written it off - I will get you all copies at least - hopefully by the New Year). And well this being Christmas week and all...

May Heiress Elf and others bring joy to all this holiday season (this includes you Smylex!).

No Elf Maidens under my tree this Christmas - but otherwise a very good year in Toastland!
May Heiress Elf and others bring joy to all this holiday season (this includes you Smylex!).

No Elf Maidens under my tree this Christmas - but otherwise a very good year in Toastland!
You know why I hate X-mas so much? It's the music. Same damn crappy songs, every fucking year! Last new X-mas song I heard was by AC/DC (Mistress For Christmas) and that was 13 years ago. Fuck nostalgia! Let's here some new material, damn it!

There is nothing under my tree. I've hacked it down and set it on fire in the fireplace. Good kindling is hard to come by. :)

No elves or females as gifts for me ("There's no presents, not this Christmas...") (and those females that are in town refuse to see me on X-mas anyway) and even if there were, there'd be no time to enjoy them. Starting tomorrow, I'll be working every day through the following Monday (that's the 29th of December, for those that aren't paying attention). X-mas Eve, I'll be working 13 hours straight without a break. Why am I working? So I don't have to work so hard next semester when I'm not working and trying to focus on my classes I'm taking (Yay! Trigonometry!).

So, don't be offended when I say that you can take your X-mas turkey and stuff it. :)
One Xmas, I was working for Target. And I had to listen to those damn Xmas songs everyday over and over and over and over and over again. To add to it, I was working atrocious hours. Some night I would leave work at 4AM and I had started at 5PM! And all of the nagging customers and children and messy floors...and blah blah blah. By the time Xmas eve came, I wanted everybody and their mother to go screw themselves. I didn't want to see anybody. I just wanted living Hell to be over with.

Thankfully, I don't work for Target. So this Xmas should be kewl, I suppose. The most important thing is that I get booze. :rock:
CrankYanker said:
Happy Holidays and best of luck to all in 2004! :)
you know, i just got your rebus-sig.....lyrics to wasted years!

do you know this song?

MiniMurray said:

you know, i just got your rebus-sig.....lyrics to wasted years!

do you know this song?

Hey MiniMurray... Yes, yes, you nailed my sig!
Merry Christmas! And since there is no L in your question #1, methinks it is "Noel", but I'm swimming in the alphabet soup on #2... hmmm?:confused: