It's that time of year again...

Books: George R R Martin: A Song of Ice and Fire #4- A Feast for Crows.
If Martin continues in his current direction for the remaining three, he'll have made all his counterparts look terrible.

Movies: Star Wars. If Narnia is as good as the previews, then that as well. Overall a dull year for film.

Music: Riverside by a longshot. Stream of Passion, Zero Hour, Sigur Rós, Circus Maximus, Extol, Kamelot, Spocks Beard, Allen/Lande, Kino, Opeth, Communic, Nightingale, Ulver, Dredg.
theodyssey said:
It always irritates me when people say this. Not only is it rather snobbish, it's just general rules of ranking. In the olympics for example, you never see "hmm... everyone did ok, but no one was outstanding. So despite getting the best time, you only get silver medal". That's absurd to say there is no best album of the year. Of course there is. It may not rank very high on your best of all time list, but of this year, there is one you like over the others of this year.
Yep, we don't agree at all. Fuck olympics. If I want to give bronze medals to the 3 guys in my podium, hey, it's MY podium! :tickled:
Some people listed all the albums they've heard this year as their "favorite", I do it my way. Snobbish? Nah, different.
RequiemX said:
Macgyver could make a guitar out of chewing gum, a nickel, and a pair of shoelaces AND THEN shred the hell out of ANYBODY! At least I'm sure he could...

Macgyver = a really useful person to have around.
MacGyver was the man. He could beat Superman with two matches and a string :)

I am not much of a reader, so my favorite 2005 release albums go like:

Freak Kitchen - Organik
Pagan's Mind - Enigmatic Calling
Lord of Mushrooms - Seven deadly sins
Beyond Twilight - Section X
Pain of Salvation - BE (2005 right ?)
Masterplan - Aeronautics
Wicked good sophomore effort from Masterplan...far superior to their debut. This album represents a perfect combination of aggressiveness and melody...excellent mid-paced melodic metal, with one of the premier voices around, Jorn Lande.

Demons & Wizards - Touched By The Crimson King
Jon Schaffer (Iced Earth) and Hansi Kursch (Blind Guardian) have credentials that are well-known in the metal community, and their 2nd collaboration certainly doesn't disappoint. This album inspired me to read Stephen King's epic fantasy series The Dark Tower, and the 3 songs dedicated to this amazing story are perhaps the best tracks on the album, full of power, speed, and melody. Though many would disagree, this album surpasses their debut IMO.

Tribuzy - Execution
Wow, this is easily the biggest surprise of the year...a relative unknown singer, Renato Tribuzy, writes some amazing music, assembles some very talented bandmembers, and recruits an allstar cast of guest musicians...Bruce Dickinson (Iron Maiden), Roy Z (Halford/Bruce Dickinson/Judas Priest), Ralf Scheepers & Mat Sinner (Primal Fear), Michael Kiske (ex-Helloween), Roland Grapow (Masterplan,/ex-Helloween), and Kiko Loureiro (Angra). I can't wait to see the DVD filmed from a couple November Brazilian shows.

Epica - Consign To Oblivion
One of the premier symphonic/gothic metal acts, Epica fuses score-like symphonic elements, rich choirs, heavenly (Simone Simons) / sinister (Mark Jansen) vocals, and metal bombast. While their debut was a masterpiece, this 2nd album is certainly no slouch.

Kiuas - The Spirit Of Ukko
Hey, whaddya know, another phenomenal band arises from Finland...there must really be something in the water. I've been tracking this band since hearing their fine demos over a year ago...Kiuas comprises an "epic sound that combines traditional and melodic metal with elements from extreme metal genres delivered with virtuoso musicianship"...quoted from their site, and is a pretty accurate description. One of the finest debuts I've heard, and more to come in '06.

Primal Fear - Seven Seals
From what I'd heard from their past material, I thought they sounded a bit generic, but I must say this latest offering is outstanding...hard-driving metal with soaring vocals...cheers to a seasoned band for upping the ante and creating something great.

Wolfcry - Warfair
Their 3rd and latest album was my first exposure to the Greek power/heavy band...excellent mid-tempo songs, riffs, and keyboards for texture (not overdone)...another great find.

James Labrie - Elements Of Persuasion
Caught some flack due to supposed nu-metal elements...yes, there is some experimentation, but I think it was quite well done...very different from Dream Theater and much heavier in many places, and the slower/ballad songs are outstanding. Superior musicianship as well (James found a diamond in the rough in guitarist Marco Sfogli)...just a great slab of metal.

Firewind - Forged By Fire
With the exception of Nightrage, I enjoy every band Gus G has been a member of (Dream Evil, Mystic Prophecy, Firewind)...this is Firewind's 3rd album and my favorite to date. New singer Chity Somapala steps in and does a terrific job, his melodic vocals perfectly complementing the razor sharp and pummeling Gus G riffage.

Opeth - Ghost Reveries
The masters of "deathy prog metal" are back with more behemoth tracks of night & day contrasts, in both instrumentation and vocals. This ranks up there with Blackwater Park and Still Life.

Brainstorm - Liquid Monster
Prior to this album, I hadn't heard too much of them, but Liquid Monster definitely caught my attention...excellent power/heavy, crunchy and melodic, and their best stuff to date.

Russell Allen/Jorn Lande - The Battle
Upon the first listen, I was disappointed that it wasn't heavier, but after subsequent listenings I realized what a great album this really is...the songs are of a "mellow metal/hard rock" inclination, very melodic and infectious. The music was written by guitarist Magnus Karlsson, while Russell and Jorn lend their amazing voices...some tracks featuring either singer, and some both.

Kamelot - The Black Halo
I'm fairly new to this band, but after hearing Roy's duet with Simone Simons on Trois Vierges from Epica's Consign To Oblivion, I knew I had to check this out...pretty good shit indeed.

Icarus Witch - Capture The Magic
Hailing from Pittsburgh, their Roses On White Lace EP just blew me away, and remains my fave from them...however, the full-length debut by this "classic metal" band is quite solid...their sound reminds me of Powerslave era Iron Maiden, with a vocalist that could give Bruce a run for his money.