Hey DracWell...

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
Okay,I'll post somemore of my stories here.You,Black Winter Day and others are mildly interested in my writing,so I guess I'm not totally wasting the space on this board.This Stroy is called "Here&There" and there's a long story about it so I'll just explain that after I'm done w/the story.In case you pick it up,yes,I did borrow some stuff from Cradle of Filth to put in my story-"Midian"(also from Clive Barker,I think),"Dani","Carpathia" and other things...but I am not a plagurist!I take these names and add them to my own story.....uh...just read it...
Here and There
Once upon a time there was a land beyond there was a land beyond the darkest mountians.It was the dwelling of fallen angels,nightmares and superstitions.The name of this land was Midian.There was a fallen angel prince named Danitrie who was ruler of Midian.One day,he journeyed away from his domain to Carpathia where he stayed with a princess named Felishia.Evey night,Danitrie entertained Felishia and her court tales of Midian and all of it's inhabitents.
Felishia became curious and wanted to know how her guest knew so much about the forbidden city.She found a sacred bloodstone necklace that Danitrie had given her.Felishia went over to him and spoke-"Dani,would you tell me something?"she asked .
"Anything you want to know."said Danitrie.
"There's a question that's been plauging me for some time."she began."Will you swear to answer me?-Swear on this bloodstone?"
"Yes,I swear."he promised."What is it you want to know?"
"I want to know,Danitrie,how you know so much about Midian."
Danitrie paled.
"Give me the truth,Dani."Felishia commanded.
"I know so much about Midian...because...I am from Midian,"he confessed.
Felishia gasped.But Daintrie kept talking-
"I am a fallen angel prince.I fell because I tried to steal God's ruby ring and I had already stolen from the purses of other angels.But I was caught and banished to Midian."
"Take me to Midian with you,Dani."she begged.
"No Felishia,I can't possibly take you."objected Danitrie."Midian is the dwelling of evil.You are not evil."
"You aren't evil,either,Dani.Stealing doesn't make you evil,not to me."said Felishia.She kissed Danitrie on his dark red lips.Please take me to Midian with you."
"No,I just can't."he told her finally.Then Danitrie run out towards the steel black mountians.Felishia fell against the door frame sobbing.She got up and walked down to the wine cellar in the catacombs of her castle.Felishia found an ancient bottle of wine that was heavily laced with poison.She drank the whole bottle in less than a minute.She wiped the last few drops of wine away from her lips and collapsed,crumpled on the cold stone floor.Something like Dani's name was the last sound that left her mouth.

Imagine how surprised Danitrie was when he saw Felishia waiting for him inside the gates of Midian.
Yes,more of a "gothic fairy tale" than something truly morbid...but I still consider it one of my better stories.
Well,the story behind my story,if you even care to hear...I was reading an interview in Metal Edge magazine w/Dani Filth and he was talking about some of CoF's oddest fans.One was this woman who wrote letters to him claiming that she had lived w/him in a past life and they lived in this castle in Carpathia and he gave her a necklace and told her how much he loved her,etc.,just like she'd come right out of this period in time.I read that and thought that it sounded like a really amazing plot for a story.In the sme interview Dani was talking about Midian and how it's described as the dwelling of evil and the things that the world is afraid of.So I put those ideas together and wrote down that story.
So,is everyone reading my story and not caring or just not bothering to read because of the length?Or is no one reading because this thread is addressed solely to DracWell?You're all welcome to read my story,you know.
The funny thing is that that person who will not be named* was the one who got me to show this story to a writing teacher.See,during one of those school field trips,she was putting some of her food into my bookbag so she could take it into a theater or something.Well,the fuckhead forgot to close my bookbag and later when we were stopping at a mall,I noticed my cd wallet fell out of my bookbag because it was wide open.I looked for the notebook I had in there,which originally had this story and it wasn't there...my notebook was lost and it had A LOT of storise in it.When we got back to school all i could think about was this story,which I did not want to loose.I wrote down what of it that I could remember and as I was writing,the writing teacher came up to me and asked me what I was writing.I told her and let her read it and she was totally amazed by the story,so she typed several copies up on the computer and was just raving about how great it was and reading it out loud during classes,which was sort of embarrassing to me,but it's what got me to start writing seroiusly...and,in a way,I owe it all to the person who I hate the most...that's incredibly ironic,isn't it.Of course I would never give her credit for it because she insults my writing most of the time.
Fluke-A lucky outcome.
When I write some of these stories,I don't expect them to be any good.But,by some stroke of luck,I let someone or another read them and the story turns out to be pretty good...or maybe they just say that to raise my dangerously low self-esteem...
Thank you,Famous Amos.Perhaps the ppl on here also mean what they say seeing as how none of them know me personally.
You're right...the only thing that I owe to Amanda is payback for 2 school yrs.of torment and anger and wasting my time w/her selfishness and pigheaded-ness...but that has provided me w/a lot of great writing...and the laughter that comes from talking about her behind her back to everyone else that hates her...which is pretty rewarding,actually.
dreaming neon darkspot. like my suggestion for our bandname? I thought Dead Man Rising was pretty ok.. Then I thought it sucked, but after seeong others response (esp, the band) and they really liked it. Then it grew with me =) I really like it now. Could that be called a fluke?
Hi there! That story-I think you sent that one to me a long time ago. Very interesting..........ya know, I can see you being an erotic gothic thriller author. I swear, tomorrow, I will respond to your letter and send it!!!!!! I'm lazy, I'm trying my best.