HEY EVERYBODY - From Bill Hudson (BEWARE: Long and possibly boring message ahead)


Mar 26, 2007
It's 11:14AM on Monday and I'm sitting here in MN (USA) completely hungover (actually I'm still kinda drunk!) after a wild sunday night at the bars in uptown Minneapolis. SO I figured it was the perfect time to sort of introduce myself to all the POWER QUEST fans out there. :kickass:

First of all, it's a true honor to be writing all of you as a member of the amazing band POWER QUEST is.

Second, I want to let you know that all the questions you post here, e-mail or myspace me (myspace.com/billhudsongtr) will be answered on video! I'm working on that and once I'm back from the "Fresh Meat Tour", on which I'm filling in on guitar for EPICUREAN (awesome newcoming band on Metal Blade Records.
myspace.com/epicurean) I'll post the answers online.

Let me tell you about how the thing with PQ happened more in depth. Why would I do this here not in the press? Well, I feel that people looking for metal news are not interested in the quotes the artists have, so those of you who want to see it here can, and the ones who get bored can just avoid it, haha! So, if you don't feel like reading a lot of stuff, stop now! There's still time hahaha! :)

It's hard to talk about being in POWER QUEST without mentioning my past band, Cellador. I believe everything in life happens for a reason and in the end everything is connected. In early 2005 I had just turned 22, was living in Brazil at my parents' house with a Russian girlfriend I had met in the US and all I could think about was getting the fuck out of there! My visa to the US had expired (for those who don't know, Brazilians need a very-hard-to-get visa to enter the US and it expires in 6 months) and I was in a real bad state of depression.

During that time, my good friend Cede Dupont quit his band, FREEDOM CALL and I thought it was my chance. I even remember saying "how ironic...the band that's getting me out of this depression is called FREEDOM CALL haha". Things didn't work out, as they were looking for a German, and I got real pissed about that hahaha! Today I realize that joining FC would've been a mistake, but at that time I really didn't care and would take whatever I could.

I ended up joining an awesome Brazilian band called AQUARIA, but that didn't go very well either, as they would get pissed at me for ranting about Brazil. When I was in Rio rehearsing with them, I met these guys from NEBRASKA, which I thought was really odd. I mean, I never thought I'd meet anyone from that state, let alone in BRAZIL, haha! I remember asking "why in the fuck are you here anyway?" and they were doing a school project or whatever. The way people treated those guys for being from the USA made me realize Brazilians definitely don't appreciate their own people, and for some reason I kept thinking about NE for a while.

See how things connect? AQUARIA is on the same label as PQ in Japan, and Cellador is based in NE, a state I would live for 2 and a half years!

So after all that, I came across Cellador on the internet. I was really surprised to hear a band sounding like that in the US, I didn't realize Americans KNEW what the style was. They were looking for a guitarist, so I auditioned and got the job. In about 2 weeks my entire life changed. I moved to Nebraska and started rehearsing with them. I didn't have a place to live and couldn't rent one (didn't have the documents 'cuz I was a foreigner) so I ended up living with their singer, Michael Gremio.

One day he had to go somewhere and his instant messenger was on. I sat on the computer and got a message from someone. I replied "sorry, this isn't Mike". That person decided to chat with me for whatever reason, and it was Mr. Steve Williams!

I wasn't familiar with PQ's music, but I had heard the Cellador guys talking about them a lot, so I went to check out what they had online and loved it! I added Steve to my own I.M and we started talking more and more.

What most people don't know is how big of a role Steve played on my career. One day I was really pissed during Cellador's recordings. The fact that all their songs were so fast and sounded basically the same really annoyed me, and I told Steve I wasn't digging the way the album was turning out. He told me "I agree mate, gotta have light and shade".

That sentence was so strong, that for the 2nd Cellador album (which never came out) I wrote all the songs but one and they were the opposite of the first. So, we went ahead and decided to name it "Light And Shade".

By the way, Steve and I already talked about it, and some of those songs will actually be used by POWER QUEST on the next record! So if you heard the demo previews Cellador posted about a year ago, you may recognize some of those tunes (of course they'll be 'awesomed up' by PQ!).

So, we talked about working together somehow a lot! I even remember sitting down and writing a couple of riffs, but I was so busy writing for Cellador that I never really finished it. The closest we've ever gotten really was a "swap" of guest appearances. I did a guest solo for PQ and Steve was gonna do one for Cellador. Of course the later part never happened because there was no album, haha.

During my last trip to Brazil, I was talking to my mom about how frustrated I was. I got to play 3 full blown US/Canada/Mexico tours and Japan in front of 20k people, yet I never played in Europe, but I really wanted to go there. So she said "well quit being stupid, buy a god damn plane ticket and go to Europe!". My mom is always right (aren't they all?) so I decided to do just that. I then e-mailed Steve and said I was going, to what he responded saying they were planning a tour! I replied "just tell me when it is, I'll go during that time and hang out with you guys!". His response was "well if you do come here, we gotta get you onstage!".

So...what was the next step? EXACTLY! JOINING POWER QUEST FULL TIME!:headbang:

I don't have any "new" guitar idols. Of course there are good players out there, but nobody I can call an idol. My idols are either FROM the 80's or STARTED in the 80's. I think real highly about myself, and the other guy that in my opinion is miles ahead of everybody else is Mr. Andrea Martongelli! If I could choose ANY guitar player in the world right now to be on a duo with me, that would be him.

Like I said, there are good players, but it's almost like they NEED to play fast in order to be "cool", whereas Andrea (like myself) uses speed as a TOOL. Then, the other guys, the ones who DON'T play fast, it's simply because they can't.

So I'm really happy have Andrea as my guitar partner. This has got to be the most exciting thing of my career so far.

I hope you all welcome me as much as the band did, and I truly, truly look forward to meeting each and every one of you on tour! Please, add me to your myspace: http://www.myspace.com/billhudsongtr and hit me up anytime. I may take a while to answer (you have no idea how many messages I get a day) but I WILL answer!

Rock on and take care my friends,
Bill Hudson
Kickass, man. A few things:

1) Some of the demos might be on Power Quest's next album? FUCK YEA! All those demos Cellador posted were really good!
2) You worked with Aquaria?! Holy shit! They're one of the best bands I've ever listened to, I LOVE those guys!
3) I want that second Cellador album, dammit. :(
Welcome Bill! I've already said this in a load of other threads, but it'll be great to meet you on the road. It's exciting times for Power Quest! I know the new album has only just come out, but i'd love to hear something on record with both Andrea and Bill on guitars. Guess we'll have to wait a few years though! :D
Welcome Bill!

Seriously good to have you on board man. I've always loved your stuff.

Thanks for really brutally honest lil story. It's genuinely nice to see a big shot rock and roll musician take the time to spell out how things are for the fans. But Bill you have to understand how much of a lucky guy you are. It's all very well saying how you "think highly" of yourself but I'd be damned humble to have worked with Aquaria (who are awesome) and almost had the chance to work with Freedom Call (even more awesome!) and NOW you're actually with PQ! Good god dude!

I think it's fair to say that Cellador were good but never really stood out. American power metal is so different to European power metal and there was a sense that they were like you said "so fast", but surely that was your domain? I would have thought that was something to do with your playing style? I don't think speed is neccessarily a bad thing in power metal or heavy metal but there are bands who take that as central (DragonForce, Cellador) whereas others use it along side a focus in lyrics and melody (Power Quest, Freedom Call, Dionysus, etc). It's encouraging that the hard shredding style of Cellador (while impressive) won't leak in to PQ's sound!

Have to say again, great to have you here man. You will NEVER find fans like PQ fans dude! All 860 odd posts I have are all from this forum dude!

Bill joins the quest! The Quest must go on! :headbang: :kickass:

Welcome aboard Bill, sounds like you'll really be a good addition to the lineup! I'm certainly looking forward to seeing some guitar duelling on stage and it's great to hear that you're bringing loads of material with you from cellador that can be used on future PQ albums. Make sure you force Steve to whip out Tragedy Suite and get it on the next album ;)
Nice post, I've always thought that the willingness of the guys in PQ to interact with the fans is a HUGE plus, and it seems Bill fits into this mould as well. Can't wait for the tour to begin!
Make sure you force Steve to whip out Tragedy Suite and get it on the next album ;)

Seconded!!! it would be sweet to record that as an EP or demo so that we could hear this awesome duo :headbang:
Welcome aboard :kickass:. i always thought that your guitar playing was fantastic and was gutted when you left Cellador - but as you say all things for a reason
Hey, fool_in_paradise like I said I intend on answering every question on video, but this one I want to put here so it's faster. Besides it's not really a question haha.

What you heard about Cellador's album was the material I wrote. I was the one saying it was gonna be more diverse, faster, slower, etc. Back to the whole "light and shade" thing that Stevie told me years ago.

However, it's not what's going on. Don't get me wrong, the Cellador guys are my friends (way more so now that I'm not in the band), but I want to make it clear as far as the material. What I wrote (and was once posted online) is now going to be used by Power Quest. Even the 2 songs we played in Japan and ProgPower (Follow Me and King of Your Illusion).

I don't wanna sound like a prick or anything, I just thing credit should be given where its due :)

Take care,
Bill Hudson
hey Bill cheers for the response. I heard that the material would be different/more dynamic on Mika's myspace recently and that it involved everyone a lot more but i do know that Chris wrote most of the songs - looking forward to it anyway.
I know your stuff was awesome and i'm glad that it will surface again in PQ!! :headbang:
on that note you should record a song with the new lineup and put it on myspace - it could even be another cover.
But i know we'd all like to hear 'The Tragedy Suit' :cool: and that has already been composed so..... make it happen:p
Stay metal
Cellador stuff surfacing in PQ? Does that make it PQ? I guess it would if the PQ guys contribute something of their own to the song. Otherwise it's just a Cellador song covered by PQ...right? Hm.
Don't worry dude......we'll be taking a long hard look at the material situation.....and putting the PQ flourishes in there. I'm pretty sure anything Bill brings to the table will not end up sounding like Cellador! hehe!