I believe in Santa Claus (from Bill Hudson - gift inside)


Mar 26, 2007
Hey everybody,

Every year I write a Christmas message to all of you and include a gift at the end. Some (probably most) of you have seen it before. So it's time for my 2008 wishes!

This year was the most important of my entire life. I remember how useless 2007 was, which led me to take some tough decisions, including having to quit CELLADOR in mid-January. That was very well rewarded, and I did my first UK tour (with POWER QUEST), toured the US as a member of one of my favorite bands (CIRCLE II CIRCLE) and started my own band with my dream line up, which WILL be released in 2009 (COLDERA). We had a little bump along the way, but this year will be different. The solution was found a week ago and you will hear about it real soon. I also relocated to Los Angeles, CA and got really out of shape, haha!

The title isn't misleading. I really do believe in Santa Claus. Maybe not the personified one... you know, the kind old man that brings you presents at night and dresses in a Coca Cola suit. I do realize the commercial side of it. The thing is, whatever the reason for this particular holiday is, people CHANGE around it... and for the better. I think the Christmas spirit, that feeling you can't explain but for some reason you get more emotional and even "care" about your family and friends more. I think THAT's Santa Claus.

I don't believe in "Jesus Christ", personally. I do believe in a Creator and whatnot, but the bible is total bullshit to me. That said, I'm not sure when or why Christmas started, neither do I know what the real point of it is. I do, however, know that people change around this time. It doesn't really matter what you or I believe. Your opinion and my opinion are just as important as anyone else's. If only people kept that mind...that would save us a lot of trouble in life, wouldn't it?

So what does Christmas really mean?

It is the time where you forget about what pissed you off during the past year. It is the time to forget you're the "toughest guy" or the "biggest slut" in the neighborhood. I wish we could all be like that all year long. You know, smoke your pot if you're into that, drink your booze if you're into that, do whatever the fuck you want... but be a good person you know? Be kind to others, what's so hard about it? I'm not saying go around doing good deeds (although that isn't a bad idea either), but just don't go out of your way to cause harm or pretend you do (which really is what happens in most of the cases).

It saddens me how much I hear from young people, year after year, how much they think their parents are "gay" or they just "can't get along" with their parents or a bunch of other things like that. Wake the fuck up! They brought you to the world! Of course some cases are extreme, but in most of them, kids are just mad 'cuz their parents cut their allowance after catching them smoking pot. Or told them not to hear loud music. Or told their 15 year old daughter to quit getting pregnant!

It is important that around Christmas you really think about it and remember who really matters to you. In most cases, your family is what's really important, so treasure them!

Ok, time for the gift:

Every year I post the same MP3 of a metal version of "Jingle Bells" I recorded many years ago (I think I was 17). My recording skills were still developing (more like this was the first
thing I ever recorded haha) but I thought it would be pretty cool if I did it. I think this is 3rd year in a row I make this available for download.

CLICK HERE FOR A METAL CHRISTMAS! The song will stay on my MySpace profile for about a week. It is enabled to download, but I'm not sure the new player does that!


Bill Hudson
Every year I post the same MP3 of a metal version of "Jingle Bells" I recorded

HAHA! All I needed to hear :D :rock: Thanks Billbo, I hope your Xmas kicked copious amounts of ass. Have a metal new year too. Drink six times your body weight should be your first resolution :heh: :kickass: