Hey everyone, I hope this board is better than my previous...


Nothing but Metal!
Oct 21, 2004
Southern California
Hey everyone! New here (obviously) Well I just got banned from www.metalforums.com and thank god for it. Latly that place has been pissing me off, they have a 1 strike rule if you fuck up, even once your out thats it. I have been their for about 4 months now, and at first it was great, but then I started to notice how the mods their were fucking assholes! I mean for example this one guy (first time he ever posted) made a "This band Vs. This band" thread and he got banned. I mean what the hell... give him a warning or something maybe that might teach and he won't do it again... Anyways incase your wondering the reason I got banned was because this guy was asking for a website to "At The Gates" so I gave him a link that sent him to a web page that said "Just FUCKING google it" anyways i've used that at a few forums and they all thought that was funny as hell. But of course if I post it on www.metalforums.com they will ban me for it, because they don't want any links on their board for god knows why. I mean at least give me a warning I wouldn't do that anymore. Anyways sorry for the rant, but i'm just a little sour right now. I hope this place is better place than metalforums.com.... So yea, cya on the boards!