Hey everyone...new here


New Metal Member
May 25, 2010
First off, awesome board. Secondly (and this is going to sound like self promo here but I honestly want input from others) I started an internet radio station with a variety of shows. One of which is a metal show called "Metal O'Clock" every tuesday and thursday 9-11 central. The hosts are Mary and Jess and they're two chicks who really know their shit. They had the idea so I had em' run with it. They're getting interviews with the likes of Lamb of God, Children of Bodom, etc. Anyway, check it out if you like it. If you have requests, they can get it....I promise. It's at http://www.highvoltageradio.com.

I appreciate it and I this isn't a money making venture as of now. One day, maybe. I've just worked in radio for a number of years now and wanted to start my own thing giving as much variety as I could. We're still updating the site so please bear with. Thanks again.