Hey guys, America sucks.

I like your assumption in the other thread that I don't live in the US. Also like how thinking makes me decide america sucks too.

Agreed with mega. it just sucks a little less.
You know, fuck that.
I'm not an American, and I critisize a lot of things here, and this place is FAR from perfect
but you know what??? If there is something that pisses me off more than anything
is when people who NEVER been here, or lived here one second
bitch about domestic issues involving America or how "shitty" it is.

You have 0 right to critisize anything about this country unless you lived here.

jees, I'm so sick of it.
As if the rest of the world is "oh so perfect"

hah. Try me. I lived almost everywhere on the globe.
It all depends on what is more important to you. Government, Health Care, Money, Jobs, Security, etc.

Then again... Canada is still better.
I love Europe with all my heart and soul, and Europe will always be "home" for me, However, there are a lot of shitty things in Europe as well.
Like I said: I critisize a lot of things in this country, no place in perfect, but you know what? if "you" lived all your life in one place, you have no right to critisize other countries. END of STORY.