Dead Winter
Chris, I think what you're talking about regarding Americans is based
on the culture of this country. Like many things: we are being brought up according to culture "guide lines" way if we like it or not. While some of us break out of those lines and may see the world objectivaly, most people live their lives accordingly and can neevr shake the culture off of them.
Being "proud that you're an Ameican" is something that is rooted in this country's culture same way it is in England... Just think of how this country
was built and founded and you'll have a better picture.
I remember when I fist moved here I was in shock to discover most jobs
only offer 14 off days INCLUDING sick days. Do you have any idea
how rediculous that is to me? In Israel they give you 30 paid days NOT including sick days. When I lived in Holland I got 24 days and in Canada I got 21 days. (plus a sick day a month)
I bitched and complained, but then a lot of people told me that crappy as it may be, it is based in the country's culture: America was built on hard work, and the culture here is: WORK WORK WORK. Wether we agree with that or not: that's not the point: it's the American culture... see my point?
I don't think there is such place on the globe that is "perfect" per se, and that 100% of the population can agree apon... What is perfect for Derek, may not be perfect for me, and so on.
I do however encourage ANYONE to go out there and explore, and see other places... Like I said in my FIRST post: people who have never lived outside of their hometown/ country have no right to judge places based on "what they see on TV"
I can tell you that every place I have ever lived in, I could find wonderful things and at the same time: shitty things... with every plus, there is a minus hiding somewhere....
You'll have to forgive my incoherent and rambling posts..I'm a little brainfried today...just got back from MetalCamp.
Everything you said is 100% true. I do miss, however, the employment of the US. Here is a bloody mess. I'm having to sue my former employer for not wanting to pay me the money he owes me, the money I have a signed contract for. They'll do anything here to fuck you. Of course I'll get my money, but I have to break my balls all over the place to get it. In the US, it was more like, "You work here now. You work these hours. You do this job. You get paid." End of story. You have project contracts and full time contracts here. Basically, you work for someone for a specific amount of time, say, 6 months. No benefits, just taxes paid. After that, he can decide to re-hire you or let you go. If you are a lucky SOB who actually can get a full time tempo indeterminato contract, you better hold on with both hands because it's like the holy grail here. That means 14 paychecks a year, 30 days vacation, and you cannot be fired. It's kinda like tenure. However, it costs companies a fortune for each person and that's why it's so rare. Annalisa has that contract working in a computer graphics company and she has great benefits. Also, when you leave those jobs, you will have accrued about 5000 euros every 4-5 years or so, and you can roll it over in your next job if you wanted. Sweet.
Other than that, work hours, environment, etc. is about the same.
And now I have no idea what I was talking about.