Hey Guys, new here


Mar 20, 2010
Central Ohio
I think I posted this in the way wrong forum before. So I'll post it here lol. I hope this doesn't make you guys hate me already :p

Just signed up. Figured I'd quit bugging everyone at the ESP forums to listen to my clips :p

So anyways, this is probably the wrong section and all, but I can't figure out where I should post, with there being like 18,000 sub-forums here haha.

I'm Chris, I'm 18 from Ohio, I listen to mainly groove metal and stuff. I like covering catchy songs a lot though, through pretty much any genre.

Here's a few of my most recent recordings:

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/477818/A Day To Remember - If It Means A Lot To You (still needs tessa).mp3 (this one isn't done, still needs this chick I know to do vocals)

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/477818/MGMT - Time To Pretend.mp3 (MGMT cover)

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/477818/The Grove To Make The Town Move.mp3 (this one's an original of mine, except the end :p needs updated, i redid lots of the drums)

So go ahead and ask what my signal chain is! ;)
I love your nickname LOL


lil guide:
everything about gear, software etc: equipment
everything like "listen to this", "here's my mix" etc: rate my mix
everything about sturgis: OT

Thanks a lot dude!

ughh on the ADTR cover. :puke:

About ADTR in general, or about my cover specifically?

So dudes, anyone wanna take a guess at the setup I've got?

Ah fuck it, I'll give it away anyways just because there's nothing to do right now haha.

For nearly everything I record:

Guitars- Ibanez SZR520>Pocket POD>M-Audio Fast Track>Mac Mini>GarageBand
Bass- Same as guitar, with a pitch thing lowering an octave
Drums- Addictive demo, using GarageBand symbols and toms
Vocals- M-Audio "Producer USB" mic

GarageBand is version 3 lol

Basically, I'm broke. I could barely afford the setup I have haha
Shure srh-somethingorother for recording and mastering, cheapo Logitech speakers for mixing in general. I know, weak.