Just posted a slew of new mixes. check them all out here!


No Care Ever
These were all just posted on my myspace. Feel free to ask any questions about them you might have. I figured this would be more efficient than posting a bunch of separate threads.

1. A Plea for Purging(metal)-5150 guitar, all slate drums, programmed overheads. This whole album was tracked by joey. I just did the mixing and mastering.

2.Tom Foolery(pop rock)- Vox AC-30 guitar, all slate drums. SM7b vocal mic.
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/536384/UMF/London Skies.mp3

3. BitchGypsy(80's inspired metal)-5150 guitars, All drums samples were 100% recorded and processed by me with the exception of a slate kick(i've never been able to make a good kick sample). The song is about drugs...obviously.
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/536384/UMF/Eat You Alive.mp3

4. A Day's Past(crabcore)-pod guitars, slate kick and snare(typical crabcore formula). Tom samples were my own "Green Tom" samples.

5. Resurrect the Morning(metalcore)-5150 Guitars, slate kick and snare, along with my own "Green Toms".

Most of these mixes were finished up within the past month or so. I've just been too busy and lazy to post new stuff as of late.

Here are the band's myspaces just in case you're curious.
i like how crabcore has become a real genre, at least on here.. haha.

ah brian, your mixes are as stellar as always. haven't listened to them all, but the 3 i have checked out are all fucking sweet, don't have anything else to say other than that!

Of them all, I'm REALLY digging the Tom Foolery track the most. It's not the "classic" AC-30 sound to me, but it works really well in the mix and fits the style.
I just love the fuckin bass in all of your songs. You are a master of fitting it perfectly. damn. its pretty much just straight mic'd right?
hahah I checked what does crabcore mean:

nice mixes btw
what frequencies do you tend to compress the most with C4 for the more metal stuff?

my main frequencies are between 100hz and 150hz, and then from 100hz and below. I have this GIGANTIC boost of 130hz in my control room though, so it's always hard for me to gauge how much lows i need to take out.

awesome. thanks brian. what did you use for verb?

I actually didn't use any snare verb on this recording. I just blended in a lot of fairly compressed room samples.

THIS IS MY 1000TH POST. WOOT :kickass: I've never had this many post on any forum i've been a part of haha


Edit: I tried to include every single smiley, but i got this message.

"You have included 52 images in your message. You are limited to using 15 images so please go back and correct the problem and then continue again."
I really dig the track by Resurrect the Morning. The intro is really cool.

Guitars and bass blend perfectly.
BitchGypsy and this gif are almost the same tempo!

Love your mixes man! Nice work!