Hey guys.

Very sorry about your loss (what an original post).. but we all have to face the fact that the only thing certain in life is death, and that it may come at any time.
My grandma died yesterday, and even though I know it was best for her and that she's in a quiet place now, it sucks. But ofcourse the impact is way harder if a young person dies, instead of someone who dies from age.

+ the music with it's thoughts behind it is really great
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. It's tragic, you have my sincerest condolonces. It's horrible when the ones who are important to us are taken away, especially when they're so young. My brother would have been 30 on Sunday, but he passed away in a car accident in 1999. So, I guess I can appreciate what you're going through. Taken far, far too young :(

The music is very impressive. A fitting tribute, for sure. Warm, well thought out... very nice indeed. I'm sure your cousin would have been very moved. I was too young to write any music for my brother at the time, but now, every time I try... it just doesn't come out right. So, I salute you for coming up with material of such quality, inspired by such a difficult event.

And Reece... everything you said... I couldn't possibly have put it better. I know EXACTLY what you're getting at man. Just... well fucking said, is all.
Liquid Diamonds said:
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. It's tragic, you have my sincerest condolonces. It's horrible when the ones who are important to us are taken away, especially when they're so young. My brother would have been 30 on Sunday, but he passed away in a car accident in 1999. So, I guess I can appreciate what you're going through. Taken far, far too young :(

The music is very impressive. A fitting tribute, for sure. Warm, well thought out... very nice indeed. I'm sure your cousin would have been very moved. I was too young to write any music for my brother at the time, but now, every time I try... it just doesn't come out right. So, I salute you for coming up with material of such quality, inspired by such a difficult event.

And Reece... everything you said... I couldn't possibly have put it better. I know EXACTLY what you're getting at man. Just... well fucking said, is all.

Dude your brother, man that mustve been awful good god you need an e-hug for that shit.
really sorry about your loss. i know how awful it feels to lose someone from your family... my granny died when i was 6... that hurt like hell. my mother died due to a mistake of a doctor.. i was 13 back then.
all my condolences... and take care *hug*
affinityband said:
Dude your brother, man that mustve been awful good god you need an e-hug for that shit.

Thanks man. It was pretty heavy, I can tell you. Just fucking... weird. Police at the door at 2am, nobody really having a clue what was going on...

It turned out that my brother, bizarrely, had a craving for parsnips one evening, two weeks after he graduated with a good degree. So many prospects. And so, he set off for the late night Tesco's in his car, in the dark. There was ice on the back roads, he didn't fasten his seatbelt. End of story, end of life...


*e-hugs back*

Damnit, everyone's so nice and thoughtful here. Why can't other forums be like this one?
Aw all those stories.. Can't really imagine how it must be to lose someone from your family (except for grandparents).. it must be so horrible..
Huge e-grouphug!
^^Cause the ppl in this forum are needy i believe, anyway, most of the posters of this forum seems to be REALLY kind-hearted ppl that is why i ALMOST don't insult anyone here, the stupid people percentage here is pretty low...when i post on other forums i act completely different...
i aint play this said:
^^Cause the ppl in this forum are needy i believe, anyway, most of the posters of this forum seems to be REALLY kind-hearted ppl that is why i ALMOST don't insult anyone here, the stupid people percentage here is pretty low...when i post on other forums i act completely different...
yeah... you really do :erk: