myspace profiles....

paradoxile said:
I'm getting soem random messeges from half naked girls with snakes that want to be my friends:lol:
and I still think myspace is incredibly gay

Hehe , but if you're getting messages it means you have one!
Post it so we can be your incredibly gay myspace friends!
like someone sad once around here.. and i quoted it into a Notepad file..

<L4m3r> Dogs leave piles of crap for each other. We have Myspace.

it was someone's signature..if i'm not mistaken..

i think it sucks a bit.. but not stinky as Orkut.. i've got two myspaces.. but I haven't got really patience to deal with them.... edit it and customizing it.. never learnt how.. and had no patience to go any further.. i don't really use it.. though i find it cool to be able to show your band's out there.. also to be able to quick-check some band that all of a sudden came to your knowlage and you developed some interest on listening any of it..
AngelinaBlakkheim said:
Myspace sucks. I once tried to build one. It lived for 2 minutes, maximum. I just confirmed how much I hate it.
How did it die..? Did it get deleted?

I agree it sucks technically, I get really annoyed when I want to open my Inbox or Friend Requests and I get yet another Unexpected Error, but usually it works and it really is a nice way to stay in touch with people..

@ paradoxile, when I click that link, I'm taken to the MS homepage, which means my own home page :/
MadTinus said:
How did it die..? Did it get deleted?

I agree it sucks technically, I get really annoyed when I want to open my Inbox or Friend Requests and I get yet another Unexpected Error, but usually it works and it really is a nice way to stay in touch with people..

@ paradoxile, when I click that link, I'm taken to the MS homepage, which means my own home page :/

I'm a myspace noob I didn't have a myspace name yet
I fixed it and fixed my should be ok now
MadTinus said:
How did it die..? Did it get deleted?
I can't remember well but I did something to unregister and they ask a LOT of questions about why I decided to leave and blahblah and then said the typical "we're very sorry to see you go blahblah" and said that the space wouldn't be down instantly, like it was gonna take a few days but well. I never checked out again, I can't even remember its name, hah.