myspace profiles....

Vincent J. said:
sounds quite nice:)
when is the album going to be released?

edit: because of my satanism I will continue all of my posts in this one xP

Thanks Vincent,
22 August if everything works out fine.
It's a really good album, I'm pretty proud of it I must say.
Don't worry about being rich, Unicorn. It's not all that it's cracked up to be.

Check out Rainshadow.
my myspace sucks more than anything that has ever sucked before and i hate it, how can i get rid of it? i don't want it to haunt me til the end of myspace times!!
MySpace is getting worse and worse technically, I get unexpected errors and "server is too busy" and http errors ALL THE FUCKING TIME!! GOD that's annoying. Best is to use it in the morning here, when all of the USA is asleep.