S Sandra CRAZY Sep 4, 2001 6 0 1 52 Comagena Visit site Nov 5, 2001 #1 ...how did you spend HALLOWEEEEEEN???
enitharmon chemical mysteries Sep 27, 2001 672 0 16 44 Berlin and sometimes Athens Nov 5, 2001 #2 In front of my computer doing work for the university and writing in the forum. In Germany it is not that big as in the US. And how did you spend Halloween?
In front of my computer doing work for the university and writing in the forum. In Germany it is not that big as in the US. And how did you spend Halloween?
B buzz Member Aug 31, 2001 259 1 18 56 cental wisc Visit site Nov 5, 2001 #4 sat out on a road smoked a nice kind jay and enjoyed the full moon on a unusually warm oct night in central wisc...
sat out on a road smoked a nice kind jay and enjoyed the full moon on a unusually warm oct night in central wisc...
[KOTNO]Narrot Eats and spits corpses... Sep 2, 2001 9,593 21 38 40 Stockholm, Sweden Visit site Nov 5, 2001 #5 in front of my pc...
Captain Beard No longer active Sep 6, 2001 28,010 99 48 Nov 5, 2001 #6 I tried to run over a few Goths im my car, I HATE GOTHIC PEOPLE