The average of you guys surf the web?

during working days (when i'm busy in front of my office's pc, i spend 5-7 hours surfing the web. in the w-e, 3-4 hours a day seem to suffice.) :)
the only exceptions are when i'm away from home/office for a few days or when i have to study/write.

i'm also a compulsive mail-checker. i'm still waiting for the mail that it's gonna change my life, and i wait for it every thirty seconds or something. :)

Sometimes I can easily spend 5 hours or more at the computer. Often I just don't have the time to do that.

Originally posted by rahvin

i'm also a compulsive mail-checker. i'm still waiting for the mail that it's gonna change my life, and i wait for it every thirty seconds or something. :)

In case you are also a compulsive private-message-checker, you should clean up your inbox once in a while - I couldn't get my reply through to you.

Originally posted by Villain
In case you are also a compulsive private-message-checker, you should clean up your inbox once in a while - I couldn't get my reply through to you.

i know and i'm sorry. i cleaned it up as soon as i was reminded that there was no room anymore, so now everyone can post me what he likes.
will you forgive me? :cry:

I'd say that 2 hours is average for me. That doesn't include the time I spent only chatting with someone. Then it would be few hours more 'cause I'm available through icq all the time i'm at home, and I never say no if someone wants to chat :)
And I'm also at UM irc-channel often even if I'm not surfing the web.
My laptop stays connected all night long downloading crap (it makes much less noise than the big ol' PC)

And the regular is connected during most of the day. I browse a lot (probably totals at 5 hrs/day) and whenever I leave the PC, I put something in my download list...

I'm an insane modem user.
For me, about 3 hours a day... that is totalling the time at school, and my home. I spend more time on the computer on Friday though, since that is my day off school and I am stuck at home with nothing else to do...

These boards and Neopets are addictive. I also always check my mail a lot too... I write to a few very cool people, and I'm also subscribed to about 50 newsletters (okay, maybe that's an overstatement :lol: )
Originally posted by mousewings
These boards and Neopets are addictive. I also always check my mail a lot too... I write to a few very cool people, and I'm also subscribed to about 50 newsletters (okay, maybe that's an overstatement :lol: )

I'm stun...:eek: 50! No wonder your inbox are always full....:D
Nope, they are not full... I try to clean out both my e-mail and Private Message inboxes once in a while. :)

The newsletters don't come at all once... so I'm okay...
I am glad you are all net freaks :D
it makes me feel better :rolleyes:

hmmm i've totally lost control somehow....
During the day i rarely surf,I just check my mail once-twice in morning and once-twice in the afternoon depending on the day...If it is the mail i reply directly :rolleyes:

My surftime is NIGHT (my favourite part of the day :) ) I usually start surfing at 1.30 and end at hmmm this depends....usually 4.30 to 5.00-5,30......
though yesterday i logged off at 6.00 and Sunday at's not my fault,i can't help it *cough* :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
well I live in the net....
my PC is always online too.....and mails checked ech 30 secs :D
but mostly during days it's working studying stuff....
it's during night where I spend lots and lots of hours here,!! :D
on average i work something like 12 hrs a day in front of a computer, but i usually don't have time enough to surf the net :)
i'm always on irc/icq though i use them mainly to communicate with my job partners/close friends :) i perform a mail check every 30 minutes and reply promptly only when i'm not damn busy (that means i usually reply within 24 hrs :rolleyes: )
during the night i'm on um channel, browse the board and sometimes drop a couple of lines here and there ;)
ah, yes... i reply to emails, too :p