hey. how ya doin'?


Dec 21, 2001
We don't get many threads here. Those we, Dan chimes in to ask how his buddies are. Hell he's even doing it when I update him on drummer quest 2008 via PM. So to help him control this nervous tic and keep the forum on track... here's the how you doin, buddy thread of bereavement. Here's how to use it...

1) state how you are generally doin' to form a baseline
2) update us when that status changes

oh and Dan you might want to make this a sticky.
Ha ha ha, Thanks for your undying suport, I must admit to being a bit distant lately, but things have been a bit strained in the SOB camp. There is only one member in the current lineup that actually posts and that is me. the other 3 (yeah, sad I know) members are all gay and too cool to post.

As for me, I have been very busy writting new material for the new record, looking for a drummer, a guitarist (or two) a Synth player and any other damned sould that would like to be part of the Dan Robinson project (aka SOB) also trying to find a new jam spot. Today, I am very tired from laying block outside in the heat like an asshole.

I actually like this thread man, kudos!

Seeing as I am considering deleting certain members from my Myspace list for excessive bulletin abuse... that is exceptionally lame.
Honestly man... part of me wants to say you're better off dropping the live aspect for now and putting together the most mind boggling lineup to record, even if it's impossible to tour with them. I mean if you get the slab I know is in there out and do it with help from say Morgidudes or a couple Novembers' Men (for example) then chances are you'll be in a much better position to oput together a live band.
I am doing ok. My 3rd release for Darkened Soul titled Bathys has been officially released by Hypnos on their Secret Sounds imprint. I am very happy with this and glad Mike Griffin liked it (he also did the artwork for it). I got a good deal on the release (I can't complain being an *unknown* artist in the bigger scheme of things) so I'm happy about it all. Now I can concentrate on Mired In Twilight which is my other project with my buddy greg which is more martial/dark ambient in nature.

But in regards to SOB I told Dan I'd like to still be involved on the side as maybe a session musician on the newer material to help out and maybe other projects he has in the mix. We're talking about it at this point. I know it's hard enough to find a replacement keyboardist (be it piano or synthesizer) compared to guitarists/drummers but Dan should be picky on that. He needs a dedicated person(s) for guitar who'll step up to the plate. Practicing can be trying, believe me...I know! Drummers for Doom is even harder to probably obtain because it is a different beast due to the pace of the music most times. I wish him the best of luck finding folks to replace dan and mark at the least as well as myself. I'd be curious to see if Darryl will come back to the fold but I don't know what his status is with regards to playing/practicing. For me I'm concentrating on my own projects and will help out Dan as I can with anything regarding the new stuff. I would love to be able to get his stuff into midi format and actual sheet music (I have a program that will do that, I just need him to get his ass over here with his DR-5's to get them recorded out and massaged). As that would be beneficial for the new keyboardist to actually see the sheet music that they'll have to learn to play. Give them a cd-r of the song(s) + sheet music = much quicker learning! So Dan and I are talking about that as time permits.

That's all I got, I'm still employed, looking for something closer to home for various reasons (work atmosphere, no raise this year after 17+ mos of no increase, gas prices, etc...) and still learning to play guitar!

WOW! Sheet Music!!:cool:

All my gear got ruined in the fire.
I salvaged my keyboard, but when I picked it up to bring it outside, a full two gallons of water came pouring out of it.

So, I'm dead in the water for the time being. :(
Well, I have been in dormancy on this forum for a long time.

I've formed a band recently with a dude I've been talking to on My Space. We're a death/thrash band. My duties are lead vocals, and lyrics. We're writing material, and looking for a drummer. And I am sure Dan can relate to finding a drummer is a big pain in the ass. We're kicking around names, and at least narrowed it down to 2. I'll let you know the name once we make a final decision.

I'm possibly going to the New England Deathfest in August. It's down in Providence, Rhode Island.

Gonna head down to Boston soon too for like a day or an overnight.

Um...That's it. Other than that, it's just the usual crap.
WOW! Sheet Music!!:cool:

All my gear got ruined in the fire.
I salvaged my keyboard, but when I picked it up to bring it outside, a full two gallons of water came pouring out of it.

So, I'm dead in the water for the time being. :(

Well if it powers up and works I'd look to trade it :heh: but you may have to look at used gear at daddy's to see if there's anything there that interests you. Sometimes there's some ok deals....
Wow man, great to hear about your music, and that it's going well. If I had money, I'd send it to ya for cd's, but, as I mentioned, I have been work less for 4 months.

Economy sucks ass right now, especially for bricklayers!!!!!
My taxes are a fucking bitch. Paid as married 3/4 of the year. Ex is so warm and friendly probably going to file married but seperate at the higher single rate. Thus owe the feds my state refund +$200.00 I don't have.