Hey I'm new here and could sure use some help !


New Metal Member
Apr 15, 2007
Cranston, RI USA
This is the first time I've visited this site and I must admit that it appears to be very well put together. That said I'm sure that there's someone out there that'll take pity on an old geezer like me and help me manuver around this site as well as possibly answering a question for me.
I was just on the Opeth website and found that Martin Lopez, their drummer and possibly one of the best drummers around has left the band(:waah:). I guess my question is was it a personal choice or was he dismissed from the band and can anyone provide some information as to his successor.
Your help will be very much appreciated.


I didn't expect to get a reply all the way from Turkey. Nice to hear from you Necromancy. Are you familiar with the personnel change in Opeth regarding Martin Lopez leaving the band and being replaced by a new drummer and are you familiar with the new drummer ?


Thanks for the info, Deron. Do you know anything about the drummer who replaced him ? Opeth has had a history of good drummers and Martin Lopez was easily the best of their drummers and one of the best in rock/metal period.
I didn't expect to get a reply all the way from Turkey. Nice to hear from you Necromancy. Are you familiar with the personnel change in Opeth regarding Martin Lopez leaving the band and being replaced by a new drummer and are you familiar with the new drummer ?



Hey there Skimess.. Although Lopez was officially out of Opeth on May 12, 2006, I watched Opeth on 30th of March 2006 with Martin "Axe" Axenrot who replaced Martin Lopez.. Opeth is still awesome...
By the way, about this issue,
Mikael Akerfeldt said " However sad I and the rest of the band feel in light of Lopez departure I want to thank him for his incredible work with Opeth and immense dedication to the band. We recorded some classic stuff together and he obviously had an enormous impact on our sound. I now feel very excited to hear the material of his own band. In the meantime Opeth fans can rest assured that we'll continue jamming it out with Axe and we all have high expectations about our coming musical ventures "