I'm not new here, but I have a huge request of EVERYONE

Scourge of Amalek

Metal Ethnomusicologist
Aug 7, 2003
Little Rock, Arkansas
Visit site
I'm not new to UM by any means. I've been a lurker here for quite a while. I'm a junior in college, and I'm majoring in music history/literature. I've decided to do my graduating thesis on a specific topic in the death metal "subculture." My thesis advisor accepted the topic with open arms, and is very excited to read a huge report on such a... "far-out" style of music. In order to do excellent research, though, I need to send surveys to and hold interviews with as many metalheads as humanly possible.

If there are any fans of brutal death metal (like Nile, Hate Eternal, and others) out there, PLEASE send me a private message. It's very important that I contact as many metal fans as possible over the course of the next twelve months.

A final question: Is it okay if I post a similar thread in certain forums, especially those related to death metal bands? Would that be considered spam?

Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks.