Hey Kikes, recommend some class 70's Prog

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Yes, I can easily sift through the top 50 ranked prog albums listed at ProgArchives, but I would like your input in the matter.

Super Tramp, Genesis, and Caravan are in order. What else should I add to the shopping list?


Opinions on the following...

Soft Machine
Gentle Giant
I'll prob pick up Hot Rats to start. What else ye got?!?!

This type of music is cheap as fuck on half.com, so my haul's going to be bigger than a negar's johnson.
All I know about the 70's progressive and experimental scene is Zappa...

All I know is Pink Floyd is Godly, and I want bands of a similar ilk to fellate myself violently to.

The bands I'm familiar with.

and a modest dose of Genesis

I wish to purchase Nursery Cryme because "The Musical Box" is the absolute teats. Where's Nad, Ken, and that faggot Greek when you need em?!!? :heh:
a few of the top notch 70's releases for you:

Banco del Mutuo Soccorso - Darwin! (but I prefer the '91 rerecording of the album)
Bubu - Anabelas
Eloy - Ocean
Genesis - Selling England by the Pound
Gentle Giant - Octopus
Goblin - Roller
Il Balletto Di Bronzo - Ys
Jan Dukes de Grey - Mice and Rats in the Loft
King Crimson - any of the 70's ones EXCEPT Islands
Magma - Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh
Van der Graaf Generator - Godbluff
Yes - Close to the Edge

edit: one more I should have mentioned that is a must have-
Museo Rosenbach - Zarathustra

haha I should probably stop there.
Captain Beyond - Captain Beyond
Van Der Graaf Generator - Pawn Hearts, Godbluff
Jethro Tull - Aqualung, Thick As A Brick, Songs From The Wood
Genesis - Foxtrot, Selling England By The Pound
King Crimson - Red, In The Court of The Crimson King, Larks Tongue In Aspic
Yes - Close To The Edge, Fragile
Museo Rosenbach - Zarathustra
Love - Forever Changes
Frank Zappa - Hot Rats, Apostrophe
The Who - Quadrophenia
Gentle Giant - In A Glass House
Le Orme - Uomo Di Pezza
PFM - Per Un Amico
Gryphon - Red Queen To Gryphon Three
Socrates Drank The Conium - On The Wings

Honestly, I dont see you getting into much of this besides a few of them (Captain Beyond, Socrates, some Tull, Crimson's Red). I think you would prefer more modern prog. But wtf do I know.
Honestly, I dont see you getting into much of this besides a few of them (Captain Beyond, Socrates, some Tull, Crimson's Red). I think you would prefer more modern prog. But wtf do I know.

You're right, that's why I'm asking for the Creme de la Creme. The top 10 essential albums of the genre. In all reality, I'll prob spin each disc once or twice and put them away for more doom/death. Nevertheless, I still want them added to my collection kind sir. :)

Fuck should I buy a fuckload of beer?!!?
Dude, hahahahaha, this shit takes LOTS of listens to fully sink in and appreciate the plethora of nuances, intricate melodies, use of counterpoint, different movements within each song, etc. Once you do, it's SHAZAM! Definitely, THE most rewarding music ever. Well, besides classical I suppose.
well, certain Anekdoten, can't say much about their recent stuff , ugh.

At least Vemod for that "OH SHIT EASY MONEY RIFF *rock out*" moment

I agree. My favorite is From Within, then Vemod, then Nucleus....still havent really gotten into the other couple. They seem...different. Especially the latest one...watered down, or something. Cant explain it.
Also, RiA...you have had Wobbler on your Trade List for a long time now. Just take that one out and listen to it nonstop. You'll jizz...I promise you. It will probably open you up more to some of the shit listed above as well.
Also, RiA...you have had Wobbler on your Trade List for a long time now. Just take that one out and listen to it nonstop. You'll jizz...I promise you. It will probably open you up more to some of the shit listed above as well.

Alright, I'll throw it on next. I'll prob just end up buying more Floyd. :lol:

Aphrodite's Child - 666
Supertramp - Crime of the Century
Frank Zappa - Over-nite Sensation, Zoot Allures
The Alan Parsons Project - I, Robot


King Crimson - Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Starless and Bible Black, Red
Socrates Drank the Conium - On the Wings
Frank Zappa - Apostrophe
Jethro Tull - Aqualung, Thick As A Brick, Songs From The Wood

This is a part of my collection that is sadly lacking, yet has gobs of rad shit.

Also, yes I need to hear Anekdoten.

In other news, Pink Floyd - Piper at the Gates of Dawn is one of the most groundbreaking, awe-inspiring, flat out I-can't-fucking-believe-this-album-exists works ever done. Period.

Finally, I need some Blue Cheer god dammit.