hey ledmag

Im getting ready to hit my brother with SOMETHING other than my hands......i have told him to leave and he will not

hahahaha, its my house and what i say goes..if he doesnt like it..LEAVE,,,,

Actually, I was going to PISTAL WHIP him with the butt of the gun
You would too, if you knew him..i am 29 and he is 22, and he is one bad motherfucker......and he allways wants his way........at my house...its my way

He was saying shit that he should not hav ebeen sayin
Oh sure, I ve beat his ass more times than i can count hahahah
NAd he has me.since he was 17...you just cant hurt the fucker


Anyway..he left, then came back and said he was sorry....sorrry doesnt fix what he was sayin, but hey..he is my brother...

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