Hey, let's show off some more art!

Pretty artworks, everybody!

And Stormy, I really like the picture of your ex ladyfriend. The shading/texture on the face is exquisite!
this is the only one that will see the light of day cuz my other works are just bad..
Super Mahrio said:
no..most of it is copied from a book..the colors and some other stuff are all me

Ceph, those are really cool!

Thank you! I like yours too; the jewel thingie on her head looks sweet. :)

Cephalopod, did you use pastel for those pieces?

Actually no, just colored pencil (and a little bit of ink in one of them). I think I used to have pastels a long time ago, but they're long gone now. I like your work, Stormrider!
I'm not much of a drawer... Painter however, well.. I refuse to show any of them at this point in time anyway...

However Photography! :D