Hey, let's show off some more art!

I have so much fun looking at other people's work :>
Great stuff, everybody!

I'll post some stuff later today...all I have been doing is art. I don't even eat food or sleep anymore! :eek:
Stormy, your work reminds me of the professional art in DnD books..very nice! i love fantasy work!
some of it reminds me of my boyfriends stuff...maybe i can get him to post some!

Justin in my camelia bushes (a plain photograph that I developed/printed myself, oh yea!)

Photoshopped (I'm not very good at that..)
I would post more, but photobucket is being a hoebag.
(I'll post the rest on my deviantart site).

Wow..those are huge.
Hey! You're good too *beats you up..*
*and..that was a reeeally good camera (an old Nikon)...we were good friends*
Haha, I know how that is..I tend to make everything looong (faces, bodies, legs).
All I can say is practice practice practice...It drives you insane, but It works wonders :)

...and doodle...on everything..
Super Mahrio said:
Stormy, your work reminds me of the professional art in DnD books..very nice! i love fantasy work!
Well, I secretly bear the modest dream of illustrating AD&D modules or other roleplaying rulebooks one day, so it's very awesome that you think so :)

some of it reminds me of my boyfriends stuff...maybe i can get him to post some!
By all means!

DarkNoise said:
by the way... Storm/Paine.. your stuff is incredible. I used to draw a lot, then I stopped for the last seven or so years, now I can't even draw a desk. But your stuff makes me wanna start again. It's ... WOW
Thank you! And yes, start again! The only one whose permission you ned is yourself. And if it helps any, when I started I couldn't draw a desk either. I couldn't even draw a stick figure - it's all about practice!

Why do you call me Storm/Paine, by the way? I've made some Paine drawings but Paine is a character, it's not an alias of mine :)