Hey look what you can do in New Hampshire.

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
Honestly in NY it's not that much better, they use only your signature as proof that you are who you are. The individual doing the video never lies about who he is, uses wording like "do you have _____" or "yeah that is the address" and never votes under the dead individuals name.

Honestly I don't blame the election workers one bit, if that's the law then they are just doing what they are supposed to.

Wasn't it not too long ago that a few states tried to pass laws about having to show some sort of photo identification in order to vote and it wasn't passed because it was "racist"?
not to mention the voting process in America

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Played with some numbers there in that little youtube video you posted. By saying that 8.4% of the population lives in "cities" the creator of this video is limiting himself to the strict application of city limits, which as we know obviously don't mean shit. Take a look at St Louis. I could say "Only 350,000 people live in St Louis!" That's not very many. Problem is the city limits of St Louis are very small and most of the population in that area lives in the surrounding metropolitan area (which if you didn't know you were in, you would just assume is St. Louis - it all runs together). The population of the St Louis Metropolitan area is closer to 3 million people. So realistically, you're off by a factor of ten in that example if you use common sense.

The New York metro area has around 20 million people, which is around 7% of the population of the United States. Pretty far off considering in that video he says that the top ONE HUNDRED CITIES are only 8%. If the numbers seem too good to be true - they usually are.
even so, there is no reason why it shouldn't be a direct vote, like everywhere else in the world. In the 2000 election, Al Gore receive 48.4% of the popular votes against 47.9% on George Bush. Do you think this method still works?