Hey, man! Here you can test your brain!

well, a few weeks back it was pretty certain I had a scolarship for Saint Petersburg university for 6 months next year. I really wanted to go there. Met a lot of Russian people, during the last few years, and it looked exciting to go study there in St Petersburg, a very nice city IMO, for half a year. Unfortunately , the last instant, the people woms ultimate permission I needed, decided to back out on me, so I have to stay home, though I still hope to make it next year.

Anyway, apart from the gouvernmental and economical/crime problems, I think the Russian people are rather warm and nice to hang out with, though then again I must say, not all Russians are the same. :)
Originally posted by Anthony
I just wanted for all who is here now to write what do you seriously think of Russia, russian people etc., or what the most people of your countries think of all this.It's important for me to know. Thank you.
Aanthony Arcturus

Well how did it cross your mind to come here and ask what do we think about Russia? :rolleyes:
This is a bit "weird"!
What's the importance of the matter?