- May 11, 2009
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Remember Preampus Brain? You do?! Good!
Well, this is his bigger, better brother. The sequel to the first BRAIN is more Terminator 2 than Matrix 2, mainly because it doesn't suck balls.
Inspired by some of the greatest amps ever, Brain 2 is capable of some amazing vintage sounds, smooth blues, classic British crunch and things WILL get a little hairy with the gain cranked!
When we released the first incarnation of BRAIN, people loved the rang of classic tones it could kick out, especially the 60's style crunch and huge 70's full-stack sound, Brain 2 capitalizes on this and will have you churning out huge crunching riffs in no time!
So if you're in the mood for some Classic Rock tone, or want that vintage crunch then Brain 2 is your go to guy! Brain 2 is not as evil and crushing as some of the other amps, but it still packs a huge punch and all the while you can be confident in it's ability to clean up and give you some great glassy clean sounds with the gain and your guitar's volume rolled off a little.
Like all the amps in the Classic Hybrid Line, we're immensely proud of the versatility Brain 2 offers, and, as with all our other Preampus amps, no matter what end of the gain spectrum you're on, Brain 2 will always keep it's amazing tonal characteristics and awesome dynamic response.
Take a look at the first version of Brain, and compare it to the sequel, hopefully you'll be able to see just how far we've came in this short time!
Download Brain 2 Here: http://www.acmebargig.com/brain2/
Bear in mind Brain 2 is HEAD ONLY, you will NEED to use some external cabinet modeling, we highly recommend LePou's LeCab, which you can grab here: