Hey Mark


Jul 3, 2003
Everett, WA
Visit site
I don't know if your over there, but please don't let this place turn into what the Iron Maiden BB is in it's death throes I know there are many over there taking part who already are here. :rolleyes:

This place doesn't suck that much anymore ;)
The only time it's been bad is when a couple of the official boards were introduced - but even then it was just general localised bitching, and it dies out quite quickly. :) People are here for the music... they don't have the inclination to fight.

We did have a Hate Pit at one point - that got kinda hot though, and Mark closed it. Some of the more dedicated Pitters started there own one. It was a popular forum. :)

This is nice, a metal community :D

I'm just glad I don't really hafta go through the entire hi there I'm new process since some people actually know me. That's most of the reason I just stayed at the other bb for so long.

This board has happier colors too :) It doesn't make my eyes hurt.
only reason i had to go through with it was cos i forgot that i had this nick over here and was reminded oh so nicely when i was going through the registration process a few days ago.

hey, beats me having to remember a new password and such again, but it was a bit of a reality check for me!

more to come? thats awesome!