Peace to All...A Word about the IMBB

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Chaney W.

New Metal Member
Jul 7, 2003
Visit site
Hey, how is everyone doing. I first started posting on the IMBB back in 98 and while I didn't post there as often as alot of people I did read alot of the posts and what I saw there the last few days made me sick. I used to be a mod/admin at for 3 yrs and we had our share of that garbage but it was always kept somewhat under control. I just wonder what the heck happened on the Maiden BB. From what I understand strangeworld used to be in charge and now isn't and that it was a better place then. Can someone please fill me in on what went wrong and since this board is not the IMBB I don't want to clutter it with any more of the left overs so I just want to say,"hey" to everyone.

Hey, welcome to the board :)

A lot of things started happening and the board got filled with a lot of fighting and confusion. The people who run the firm and employ the people who run the site (I think that's correct) got tired of dealing with the general chat area and decided to shut it down, effective today. I'm not sure if you remember Mark as Strangeworld, but he's the one who runs everything here and does a damn great job :)

Enjoy yourself here, this is a nice place to hang out n talk about Maiden :)
Chaney W. said:
Hey, how is everyone doing. I first started posting on the IMBB back in 98 and while I didn't post there as often as alot of people I did read alot of the posts and what I saw there the last few days made me sick. I used to be a mod/admin at for 3 yrs and we had our share of that garbage but it was always kept somewhat under control. I just wonder what the heck happened on the Maiden BB. From what I understand strangeworld used to be in charge and now isn't and that it was a better place then. Can someone please fill me in on what went wrong and since this board is not the IMBB I don't want to clutter it with any more of the left overs so I just want to say,"hey" to everyone.


hey boss. what happened depends on who you listen to. the obvious result is the place was intentionally fucked up by the powers that be there.
Lamia The Great said:
Hey, welcome to the board :)

A lot of things started happening and the board got filled with a lot of fighting and confusion. The people who run the firm and employ the people who run the site (I think that's correct) got tired of dealing with the general chat area and decided to shut it down, effective today. I'm not sure if you remember Mark as Strangeworld, but he's the one who runs everything here and does a damn great job :)

Enjoy yourself here, this is a nice place to hang out n talk about Maiden :)
Thanks :cool:
I kinda thought strangworld was Mark. I always remember him as keeping things in control over there. You said the people there were employed? Maybe that was the problem. The megadeth site was run by fans basically without getting paid, except for backstage passes and stuff like that, which is what I thought made it pretty cool. This board here seems to be a heck of alot better and hopefully smoother running. :)
hey boss. what happened depends on who you listen to. the obvious result is the place was intentionally fucked up by the powers that be there.
That's too bad considering it is the official site. I don't know how something like that can happen but at least this place seems nothing like there.
Is this particular board for just Maiden only or can we talk about other stuff and bands?
Chaney W. said:
That's too bad considering it is the official site. I don't know how something like that can happen but at least this place seems nothing like there.
Is this particular board for just Maiden only or can we talk about other stuff and bands?

officially i think mark wants it maiden related, but unless your fighting with people i dont think anyone will mind anything you say and will join in if ya say something that interests um
officially i think mark wants it maiden related, but unless your fighting with people i dont think anyone will mind anything you say and will join in if ya say something that interests um
Cool and thanks MRBEAST. :cool:
Some of the people were employed, I think only Skunk and Mark, but whoever is in charge of the overall site got crabby n shut stuff down.

I'm not really sure how they 'pay' the non paid moddies, as far as I know not much, but then I wasn't one so I dunno :lol:

I think it's more fun to just post and toodle at will than making it an extra job. That would just suck.
Black Dragon said:
Just don't think it was all Skunk, it was not.

yes it was! true it wasnt her decission to close gc, but it was her who allowed the situation to proliferate and backed up hod when he fucked with jr and let him chase away that group and it is here that didnt do anything to stop alfs condoneing racism and allowed it to be on the board and allowed the mods to say and do whatever they wanted-blablabla

the last word wasnt hers, but the cause and effect were.
only because you arent one of the people they fuck with.

Oh really? Is that why I was banned a few months ago? I just know who this Chaney person is as I'm sure he knows who I am.
Black Dragon said:
Well, what I meant more was the functioning of the BB. Certain people seem to think that she doesn't know tech stuff at all and that they could make it some utopia if they were in charge.

but shes web admin. she might be the master ssql or whatever but either she doesnt know much about web design or she isnt very artistic.
like ya get banned for spamming the board on a regular basis

i have no clue who chaney is-is he cute?

No, actually it was for calling Kelly the "Queen Of Nonsense" and Hand Of Doom HandJOB Of Doom about ten times.

He at least used to be a mod on the Deth BB. I never posted there, but am well aware...
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