I am going to Europe this thursday!! Any euro BBer from the old BB wants to me?

Cortavenas said:
that´s fucking ugly dude, I wouldn´t be proud of such an ugly antiecology thing
whats better? Nuclear powerplant? Coal powerplant? Hidroeletric powerplant?? The one that prejudices the environment the least is hidroeletric.

Why dont you stop bashing Brasil. I never bash Chile. My mother in law already went to Chile she loved it. Ya know, Chile from south to north is longer the west coast of USA. It would begin in Baja California tip in Mexico and reach alaska!!
AcesHigh said:
blah blah blah. Still the cat story. Unbeliavable. There are people on this board who defend genocide but people hate me cuz I kicked a cat that was shitted on my doorstep and jumped over me. Well, I really dont want to meet hipocrits like you. But how about just being brave and telling your nickname on the old bb?

Btw, that was the only cat i ever kicked in my 24 years of live, and that was almost 2 years ago. So you hating me for such thing proves how ridiculous you are.

Blahblahblah. How about you being smart and going to a topic by the name "old BBers, identify yourself" - I'm not exactly hiding who I was, I just don't mention it every time I talk! And the only reason I took a different nick is cos every now and then I'm tired of my nickname.

Oh and if you really felt like bragging on about that one cat you kicked, that just proves how ridiculous you are.
Ran Mori said:
Blahblahblah. How about you being smart and going to a topic by the name "old BBers, identify yourself" - I'm not exactly hiding who I was, I just don't mention it every time I talk! And the only reason I took a different nick is cos every now and then I'm tired of my nickname.

Oh and if you really felt like bragging on about that one cat you kicked, that just proves how ridiculous you are.
so you are Beldaran. I dont even remember you from the old BB, just remember the nick, cuz I think it sounds similar to Alderan. And I dont remember you fighting with me over the cat story. More ridiculous than "bragging" about kicking a cat is giving so much importance and not forgetting something that happened so much time ago...