I just stopped by a certain place...

Black Dragon

Longest Here
Apr 29, 2001
Your Remains Shall Decorate My Home...
we know where.

I lurked for awhile and became very......detatched, in a way from things. That BB had a lot that was special to me. Sure, they were all things that no one else gave a flute about but hey, I'm not a follower so I don't base my love on another's preferences. I met a lot of cool people there. Met some Canuck that I love insanely despite going through things a couple of times that I was sure killed our friendship....but didn't. I also found out that most people from missouri are fucked in the head, and coming from someone as warped as me that says somthing. I posted there a lot. Well over 40,000 times altogether, too bad the board was overhauled and such numerous times and we lost our post counts as a result.

There were a lot of people who condemned the general chat area for being some kind of cesspool where people did nothing but fight. In all reality we did a lot more than just fight. We had one of the most liberal and free boards on the net that was still moderated. We enjoyed a lot of debates, fights, discussions, and socializing. Some constantly bitched about it but never could leave and that was b/c they were enchanted by the IMBB, they may have left but were back by sundown as they couldn't find a board with all of the elements that made the IMBB so special.

There were always pretty much two camps. The IM talk only camp and the general chat camp. The Maiden talk guys always claimed that there was no room for general chat b/c there was always a fight going on in GC. What they failed to see was that they had just as many fights, ours were just of a much higher standard. Our swear words were george carlin quality and our fights had very intelligent people having it out. Made for great reading, unlike the maiden talk crowd which had fights that were nothing but 'Fik Yo0 butwhol!!!' and such.

Love it or hate it the IMBB was something special and I am sure in the minds of many members nothing short of an internet legend. I was very saddened to see it reduced to a festering septic PHP hemmeroid. I saw it coming over a year before it actually happened, but that didn't lessen the blow when it came to fruition. When it was announced that the General Chat was being closed there were two major responses by most people: ":erk:" and "Look, see what you people did, all of you guys who couldn't get along ruined it for everyone" and as funny as it might sound the people saying the latter detested the GC for the most part. When I was browsing I was being gradually depressed with each thread I opened. There came a point, after about 8 threads where I closed the browser and felt like I was looking at the headstone of a dead friend.

Basic summary of what I saw:

-Fucking n00b central, and anyone who knows anything about n00bs knows they are not 'newbs'. n00bs are something totally different, the internet equivilent of those idiots who take 10 minutes in line at McDonalds trying to decide what they want while looking back and forth at both sides of the menu knowing damn well both sides say the same fucking thing. All I saw were people typing like " u, ur, 4, m8" the list was fucking endless. Note to all n00bs. Try typing like you could pass a 1st grade spelling test. It will improve your overall image to everyone.

-Insane Communist like moderation. I have never seen anything like it.

-On the note of mods, the ones assigned that lovely task were almost all the biggest ass kissing members before the board change. I am talking huge ass kissers, now they are a million times worse. Now I am not one of these 'fuck the establishment cut a mattress tag off of a mattress just cos its illegal" dipshits. I have an enormous diplomatic side when I need to use it, but I also have humility and self respect. Something those guys and gals seem to lack. They fucking enforce each and every rule with the care and attention you would give a snow flake in hell while trying to keep it from melting. Something tells me these people gain something from being a mod at the IMBB b/c they sure act like they are care takers of the holy grail. I can seem them at the drive through "Hi, I am soandso, moderator at the IMBB. May I please have a #1 with a coke?". :zombie:

-I don't see the heart that was there before. Now it makes me think of a BB that I would see at Metallica.com or something.

When the GC was removed, a lot of people were banned for throwing a fit. Many were banned pre-emptively which I found both appauling and hilarious(depending on the person). In any event though, I spoke my mind many times and didn't cross the line, I wanted to go out with dignity. I stated on the last day the GC was open that I would not post on IM.com after that day and I meant it. I have not yet and don't plan to, ever.

Its too bad, that was a kickass BB back in the day.
Hey BD, I totally agree with you 100%. When I go back in time and look at the community we had there in 1999-2001, it makes me wonder what the hell went wrong. Those two years were the best and it was still quite enjoyable for the next 1½ years or so. When it changed to that php-crap I knew it was the end.
It's funny with all that morality crap.... people fail to see that those two years (99-01) had more fights and bitter atmosphere than all the other years combined. YET no one complained about that back then, they didn't because it was damn entertaining, it was better and more entertaining than any soap opera one could ever dream of. If you want to have an interesting internet forum, you need to have that variety. You need to have fights, you need to have drama, you need to have that bitter blood in it. Otherwise it gets boring and meaningless. After 2001 things got worse and we also had to go thru board switches... that surely didn't help. We lost some valuable members during that process. Some assholes demanded higher moderation and as a result of that, we lost many valuable members again. In exchange, all we got was a bunch of brainless n00bs with nothing original to contribute and with a total lack of personality. Soon the BB went into coma and became a graveyard of gray mass. It was like watching a dear friend get a cancer and getting closer to death with each day.

I haven't even visited the Maiden Talk after I removed the IMBB link from my favorites-folder... I don't want to share the intelligence of a kitchen table. That place is full of shit.
Hear Hear, is all I have to say for the moment. I'll have more to say on this subject.. I have a lot to say about the Maiden BB past and present but my mind is blank now.. but it'll come to me..
Talking about just part of BD's post.. mods who think they're special.. one of the biggest ones was Ruined Luna. Its a shame because he was mostly a nice guy with a good sense of humour. But like SB, Ancient Mariner and others you couldn't knock him off his high horse. First day on the job (I still remember the day) he closed two threads and moved a third. There was another time, quite recent where there was a flame war going on. Alf looked in, gave his word of advice and went on his way. Now much later after the parties had stopped quarelling, had made up and were having this civil conversation, then Luna comes in gives his customary "you can't stop behaving like children can you?" talk and closes the thread. When the board closed once again he found a great opportunity and gave the finger to "everyone who helped this happen". :rolleyes:
ahhh Black Dragon...the words you speak hath inspired me to open my lips on the subject.

to me, the whole concept of GC closing down was a shock to me. last school year of course i was pretty much absent from the posting helm for pretty much the entire college duration, and what can i say, i am not proud of that looking back. i missed a lot of things, sure maybe a lot of shit, but i missed a lot of possible good times.

i hoped through my entire tenue at the IMBB that my opinions and views, unique as they are, would touch someone in such a way to enhance debate, or to enhance the reason we go to these BBs, to make friends with other fans, JUST LIKE US. when i heard the BB became a cesspool of its former self, i had to see through my own eyes, and made my grand re-enterance back to the BB this past June....only to see GC die a month later.

my previous tenue at the BB from October 2000 to August 2002 provided 25,000 posts of good times and good friendships. sure, i was not as popular or well traveled as my counterparts, BD included, but that to me wasnt of utmost importance. things have changed soo much though, and now its gone...and i see the same things that you do BD upon just glancing at the old stomping ground.

the moddie status is an insult to intellect anymore over there, i agree wholeheartedly...i could go over there, kiss ass for a month, and gain moddie status. maybe ill even get an award.

and n00bs? lets not even go there at all....that place was crawling with them before GC was closed, some which became good solid posters after some time....others which were complete wastes of space...who did nothing but cause trouble purposely.

ok, i am done, all i know is that after spending years at a place, and calling them the best times of my online life, its sad to see what its become...and i know that all my brothers from the good days agree that nothing will ever compare to how things were....but alas we will move on.
I post in the Maiden board and it seems no worse than here to me. Maybe it used to be great I don't know, I never posted there until recently. But, to be honest, there's plenty of people posting here using "m8, ur etc", there's idiots like AllWithinMyMonster and even, bizarrely, people who like Duran Duran. :loco:
I've never had any bother from mods, despite flame wars with some dicks.
It's not that bad, surely! :)
WoW what a enormous thread BD. All I have to say is that i had a blast on the Old BB even if i was just a new guy and joined shortly before that PHP thing in 2002. It felt like a special place where i could say almost everything i wanted and opinions were so distant and so close at the same time.
We had wars but those wars were memorable and inteligent no one seems to remember that when they closed GC. And Yes those new m0ds are the kind of people i don't care about, they are the wankers who feel important just because they asskissed Skunk and follow the rules like fuckin' sheep.

*returning to his insignificance*
My thoughts on the subject:

First, yes- in the last days of Mark's reign, the IM board was at its height. Everyone knew where everyone stood. I fought saliently for free speech rights(for evryone, not just myself) and for awhile I'd won. But that was before the dark times("before the empire").

Then Skunk(a female drunk) and her minions came creeping into the mix and Mark fled after being wed to Dreamwatch(quite understandably). Then Skunk became ever increasingly totalitarian. She imposed countless draconian policies and hired any sniveling, whimpering little ass-licker to be a moderator. She began truncating sigs and deleting threads for any reason she and her moronic moddie minions found "offensive". It was likened to having my posts curtailed by twelve year olds.

It was disgusting.

And I'm glad I left before it really took shape. And I'm not gonna say "I told you so" or anything like that to anybody. Those who wanna stay there, stay there. But I wholeheartedly choose to play in another sandbox.(The SX BB). As I only post on these boards for intelligent discussion and valuable information.

And yes JS, you are quite correct about Ruined Luna. Quite sad really as he was a real likable chap but preferred to be likened to gaining respect by using brown-nosing tactics. I even started a thread on his first day in office pointing out to him his dastardly downward metamorphasis, but to no avail. He was beyond help.

There are many things I'll miss about that board and many accomplishments I made:

-My and roller2's 9 page lesbian thread which was easily and almost unanimously voted the greatest thread ever posted on those boards by boys and girls alike.

-The coming together of almost everyone after 9-11 despite our gargantuan differences.

-The trashing of many little misguided silly simpleton socialists/statists/leftists/communists/collectivists courtesy of myself, the Headless Horseman, The Assassin, Mr. Buzzcut, Jimm, ProgMetalFan, and many others.

-My potential Libertarian thread for illustrating how many of us are really Libertarian and don't know it.

-Pointing out and ILLUSTRATING to Kelly how entirely wrong she is and her never, ever, ever admitting it.

Ah yes folks, those were the days.....
Holy crap, are you still around?

Prismatic Sphere said:
My thoughts on the subject:

Then Skunk(a female drunk) and her minions came creeping into the mix


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes, I think quite a few of us were able to make that observation about Luna.
All I can say is, well bloody said Black Dragon........it was a disgrace shutting down GC. I only joined about a year ago, but it was great fun, even the wars that sparked up from time to time.

Damn shame.

I guess they have got it how they want it right now.
NooB central, fascist moderation, BOOORRRRINGGGG.
Black Dragon,
I discovered the IMBB pretty late in the game, and really came to enjoy General Chat.

The world was very fucked up at that point, and the arguments were generally very heated. The GC board was blamed for all sorts of stuff that is still ongoing on the "on topic" boards.

Threads disappeared and people were banned for personal reasons, rather than the strict interpretation of the rules.

I stop by every now and then (apparently) to see some of the inane posts, but the place is well and truly screwed.

Dunno what they wanted to achieve over there, but if that's what they wanted, they must be from bizarro land
Prismatic Sphere said:
-The trashing of many little misguided silly simpleton socialists/statists/leftists/communists/collectivists courtesy of myself, the Headless Horseman, The Assassin, Mr. Buzzcut, Jimm, ProgMetalFan, and many others.
Headless Horsemen had the intelligence of a plate of spaghetti. He never 'trashed' anyone, unless you consider toilet humor and racist insults to be effective debating tactics.
John Silver said:
Holy crap, are you still around?

I still lurk.

I got to see Duran Duran btw at Webster Hall 2 weeks ago(all fucking 5 of the original members). It was pretty cool but they didn't play anything off their greatest album: 7 And The Ragged Tiger.:(
Easily the hardest show I ever got into.
duckattack said:
Headless Horsemen had the intelligence of a plate of spaghetti. He never 'trashed' anyone, unless you consider toilet humor and racist insults to be effective debating tactics.

You missed some good threads man(who did you post as btw?). I don't think HH was unintelligent; it was just his particular style of posting that made him misunderstood. What HH lacked was patience with people, not smarts.
I went through a brief period like that myself. Then I saw the utter inanity of it all.
Prismatic Sphere said:
I still lurk.

I got to see Duran Duran btw at Webster Hall 2 weeks ago(all fucking 5 of the original members). It was pretty cool but they didn't play anything off their greatest album: 7 And The Ragged Tiger.:(
Easily the hardest show I ever got into.

Damn. It must've been great.