Hey Mike, lets play some Disc Golf

You move during sexual intercourse, simply adoring beauty wont do any good. Dont forget that :p
Everything's fun on 'shrooms.


What is there not to like about disc golf? Smoke something, bring your flask, eat some fungus, whatever. The 'sport' (or activity rather) allows you to go outside with friends and wander around while having a loose goal at hand. I think it is a lot of fun. I think most people would enjoy it if they were with friends. Doing it at school would probably suck, so that's unfortunate for the Swedish people.

To the band:
Do you guys ever go out and do things in the cities/areas you play? What kind of shit do you like to do when you travel? What are some of your favorite places to go? Is there anywhere in the US you appreciate? Ok, enough questions for now. Just curious about free time during tours.