Hey Peter Steele is dead?!

I'm going to be really irritated if this is another prank. Peter did this 5 years ago. Not really the way I'd like to finish my weekend. :ill:
R.I.P. Peter.

He was an amazing talent, and I think highly intelligent. His interviews are great...and musically he's just such a great mish/mosh of stuff....NIN/Sabbath/Bela Lugosi/Pink Floyd/The Beatles, and a million other things. Definitely a huge punk influence in his delivery and attitude....and, well...just an artist.

R.I.P. again. I actually don't have every single Type O Negative album, but I'll get the few I don't now in his honor. Songs like White Slavery, Bloody Kisses, The Profits of Doom and many others are just EPIC.

He seemed like a good guy.
damn you guys beat me to it..couldn't connect to the Net for a couple of days... but ya it's true... heard it on my local radio station... anyways Bloody Kisses was an incredible album... R.I.P. Pete...