Hey Pinky,

*perks ears*

Where do you live in Brissie? I'm at St Lucia. Sadly I'm too fucken poor to have my own car. Then there's the problem of equipment... currently my amp is a piece of dog shit that you can't turn up past "1" without a big fat arseload of distortion (not hte good variety). But I say fuck it, when theres a will theres a way!

I have an Ibanez s370 and a BCRICH platinum BICH, plus a Zoom mk2 effects pedal and a Crybaby 95Q. I know it's a bit of a shitty rig but I have no cash. I think I might have to really start saving for a new amp.
I'm on the southside... Carindale.

The rig doesn't sound bad. I've got a les paul, two roland quad cabs which run through a behringer mixer... nothing special, but sounds great :grin:
don't you love it when people use your name in sayings....

like whenever someone says "let's ______ to the max" it makes me smile.

Ok, i feel like i should explain the cause of the above statement. I just woke up.
Yeah it'd be all good if only I could get some sort of a new amp. 15W just doesn't cut it. Anybody have any idea of what I should be lookikng for because I don't. I while back I was looking at one of those 60W Peavey XXX things, they seem alright for the price.
Well, the offer still stands if you ever happen to "find" an "Unclaimed" amp still preserved in it's "Natural Habitat" (erm... steal shit dude :lol: )