Hey rustman...


New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
Have a play around with harmonic-minor modes... ha ha... fun stuff. Weirdass stuff, especially when you mix in a few whole-tone runs etc, sounds like a cross between friedman and poe-era loomis... :grin:
Yeah, the hand is great actually!!

ha ha, i got rid of my band again... they weren't pulling their weight... :lol: Still, i've written a hell of alot of cool stuff, i've been on a 5/8 kick lately, EVERYTHING i write is in 5/8 :lol:

ha ha, yeah, harmonic minor rules man, such a cool scale...

Hey ledmag... hows the new band going??

trapped>>>Getting ready to go to practice in a few minutes.

Its going good, not my ideal band, but yeah, im having fun, thats the nain thing.

DO you have a band on call? Or do have a plan?
fuck having a band, Im just gonna do all the intruments, you know why? because Im a little bitch.

(rip50 too lazy to sign in)
well, i knew you were a bitch, the little part, i was not aware.

And i knew you were a sorry ass.


SOmetimes i think i would do better if i had a bass, and a drum machine, and a 4 track.
nup, i know NO ONE at all... i've got to find some people... i want to go and jam with Alarum tho :grin: That would rule... tho i don't see it happening...

yeah Trapped, once I get through learning all the modals maybe

modes are easy man, all you need to know is ONE scale, and that's it... then you simply start that scale off from the SECOND note instead of the first, and wallah! you have the second mode...! etc etc.
yeah trapped, the thing is I havent even mastered Ionian yet, but I do have all the formulas down memorized.

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