New Megadeth

Evangelion is a great album, and I have no complaints about it at all, especially after the Apostasy. I already made a thread about how great Endgame sounds, though. I definitely need to see them on tour with Chris Broderick, It's going to be nothing short of balls-awesome ass kickery. So is another behemoth tour, and I missed them when they opened for Meshuggah, and that is eviscerating me from the inside of my rectum outwards to this day.
just listened to the album.

I think if it had some Nick Menza and Marty Friedman I would be digging it.

good riffs and vibe, but that magic of the formula is missing.

Even if you like the older stuff better, even in the more mediocre Cryptic Writings/Hidden Treasures, there is something so obvious and good in the mustaine/ellefson/friedman/menza line-up that just works chemistry-wise on ever level.

This album is missing that chemistry. It sounds like Mustaine doing pretty good shit with a crew that just doesn't have that level of clicking together that the RIP-Risk crew had.

I'll listen to it a couple more times, just because deth are pretty much my favorite band ever, but broderick is just no friedman and these drums are boring as shit.
I like, this album, in fact I really like this album. But I don't love it, Azal pretty much hit the nail on the head. When I'm listening to it I'm having fun, songs like 1,320 and Headcrusher are throughly enjoyable... But they're missing "something" and that Megadeth "something" is all over albums like RIP or Countdown to Extinction.
Just listened through it.. the song with "firefight with a pocket knife" (?) in the chorus is (apart from the usage of 'pocket knife') is great..
The rest is ok...

By the way.. what is it with Dave and malplaced words in lyrics? Maybe it is just me, but there are some words in the lyrics lately that just seem random and out of place... although, I guess it is better with something original, rather than "FIRE! THE EVERLASTING DRAGONFLAME SHALL BURN FOR EPIC EMERALD FREEDOM!" or whatever... but seriously... toothpicks?
I know a lot of people don't like his voice, and I never understood that. It's perfect for Megadeth's style and really I can think of many more singers much worse than him. New Hetfield comes to mind.
This album reminds me of So Far So Good So What; not necessarily sound-wise or stylistically, but in terms of both albums having really great songs on them but really bland filler too.
The album is seriously the fucking shit, it's the best since Countdown IMO. There are some throwaway tracks like the last 2 but everything else is sick as fuck. The intro reminds me of Into the lungs of hell but with more shredding and the 2nd track just blasts into thrash heaven, I can't wait to see that shit live. Everyone bitches about the lyrics but honestly I think its better to hear his ranting than the typical blood guts death sex lyrics of a lot of bands, Endgame is an awesome song that has a huge heavy riff section that seriously punched me in the nuts. I know a lot of people won't like it but damn, after the last album hearing this is awesome and I can't wait to see them on tour.