Hey, Rusty Metal!!!

Ultima Ibanez Overlord

-=The Dude Abides=-
Mar 17, 2002
999 letsby avenue
Hey, RustyMetal. I'm just on your mp3.com page now (after reading the 'help me with my .wav file' thread, and it's author's lack lustre attitude :bah: ).

I just listened to January's Prelude. I liked that a lot. You'll probably hate this word being used, but it was really 'nice'.
I'm listening to Song B at the moment. It doesn't sound as nice because it obviously needs more instruments on it (bass and vocals, for example, as you said on the page).

To be brutally honest, I think you're a lot better at rhythm playing than lead playing. I like some of the arpeggio playing that you do, on this track.

It's a cool composition (albeit in a style I'm not really a fan of). Really good work, man. There are some really cool extended chords used on this track, and some really good orchestraction where it changes from clean guitar to distortion and vice versa.

Do you play in a band? If not, that's a huge shame. A lot of bands could do with having someone with your ability writing for them.
:eek: Hey, thanks a lot chap!! :) But how did you find my page?? :confused:

January's Prelude should be just a minute long, is that right?? If not you've got the wrong one (I mean, the wrong one is up there :p), but I think it's okay.

I often get "nice" used, but I really don't mind. At least it means it's not totally crap :D. And I pretty much think I explained about Song B's situation on the page. My brother's distortion pedal sucks and I haven't got a clue about mixing or EQing or anything like that, which is why the sound quality's so bad. The lead that's about a couple of minutes in is more of a filler, to say "a lead goes here" (seeing as it's only the first demo of it). I couldn't be bothered to take time to create a decent lead when I didn't even know how people would find the song as a whole.

No I don't play in a band, I don't even know anyone who likes metal apart from one of my brothers, and he lives an hour and a half away. It's bloody annoying, but never mind.

Thanks for the interest. Maybe I'll get on doing some more, but currently I'm working on an Opeth tribute project with other UM members. :)
I found it by clicking on your name to see your UM profile. I was going to ask you for your mp3.com page address in that other thread, but I thought I'd check your profile first, to save time.

Yes, January's Prelude was only 1 minute long, or so. I thought it was a slightly abrupt end, but it's a good composition.
And yeah, you explained about Song B's situation on the page.

It's a shame you can't get yourself into a band. I'm sure if you put an advert in the local rag up there you'd find a band or at least some people interested in metal.
The metal/rock world seems to have more outlets up north than down here on the southcoast (it's Fatboy Slim obsessed-land down here).

If you get anymore stuff on mp3.com, let me know. I'll gladly check it out. And goodluck with the Opeth thing.
Thanks a lot mate, I'll let you know if I complete another song. I'll have to buy a distortion/effects pedal first though, I'm not going through another song of SongB's quality, hehe. ;)

Just for the record, Nottingham is not "up north", it is in the Midlands. :lol: We are neither north or south.