Hey SoulTorn.......


May 26, 2002
Visit site
Why dont you put some more of your bands MP3s on the site?
You sound like you have some potential on the live mp3 but you have to admit,the sound is pretty atrocious.
Some bits also sound off time.
Anyway,I noticed you have an album/ Demo (?) listing so why not put one of them up?
::Rolls out of seat laughing hysterically::
well, as far as sound quality... let me explain...
That live track was recorded with a video camera and formatted to CD :loco:
The swirly fuzz going on with the sound is the mosh pit moving in front of the camera man , :) and he moved around alot... so let's just say that's not the best example of our music, but an example nonetheless. It's a little clearer to us, beings as it's our music, so I do apologize.
Our earlier CD's lead more towards the punkish side, which is (nearly) dead to us now, so that's why none have been posted.

BUT... I have some wonderful news for you all.

"Masks" is completed. :devil: It came out utterly fantastic. I'm not the kind of person that says these type of things, so forgive me if it comes out the wrong way.... but I'll wager this album will change the way some of people think about metal in general. It has a very diverse mix of things in it and I'd say is pretty dynamic. Our cover of "With the Flaming Shades of Fall" by Dark Tranquillity came out tight as well, look for it on the DT website in a little while.
No mp3's are actually up yet... so for the time being I can just forward you guys an mp3 through e-mail.
till then
stay metal
Hahaha... yeah, that's an idea... unfortunately the approval process takes a couple of weeks. I have two songs from our last CD waiting and ready to go... I uploaded about a week ago... still not approved yet.


I just got "Away" (from our brand new CD) mp3 up at this URL


Fredrik should have it on the site soon, along with new links, news, etc etc, once he starts feeling better.
In the meantime use that link above for the track. Let me know what you all think!
Yeah,I checked it out and its a pretty cool song.
Its not going to change the way I think about metal as you remarked but its a solid number.
The vocals impressed me the most.Quite professional sounding and varied.
Originally posted by LordFireworm
.Its not going to change the way I think about metal as you remarked but its a solid number.

Just go and burst my bubble then, dammit. :bah:

I was coming down off the "master copy" high, so excuse any and all comments made within that time period. :Smokin:

Thanks for the input and positive comments though, they are well appreciated. Anyone else wanting to take a listen is more than welcome to.