hey there!



Well...we have 3 songs ready and another two that need the drumming...We are something like a mix of The Haunted and Soilwork but way too technical...Especially track 4 is totally prog even more than Acid Death and Death...Well I'm also trying hard to improve my clean vocs so that we won't have only brutal vocs...

So u guys r playing live in Patra? Or in Athens?? What about a demo? Will you record it soon??
this was supposed to be...a reply to Dragonlord's message...but i fucked it up...sorry guys....Sick with 38 1/2 temperature is a good excuse i guess... :-(
heheh...as I said,we're on a very early stage...we have a couple of songs half-finished,and a couple of ideas for other songs.With LOTS of luck we'll have a demo by the end of the year...

I want a copy of it when ready!!
Thanx man...I'm better already...Thank god there are aspirins lol