Hey Yo Mikael Baby...if u out there give me a Shout


New Metal Member
May 11, 2002
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I fucking hope OPETH will tour over here in the States after your mew releases. Please come to Minneapolis, or St.paul. Hey another question if you ever read this? How much did you pay for your PRS ? Just wondering cuz they are great guitars.

HAHAHAHHA you sound like some sleezy hollywood director...[sleazy hollywood director]"Mikael baby, have my people call your people we'll chat and sip margaritas, oooo baby ur killlling me, Opeth my gawd you guys are fantastic, you kidding me I own every record. Just Faaaaaaaaaabulous" [/sleazy hollywood director] :Smokedev:

and and btw, Mikael plays a blue PRS CE24, I play a bloodred PRS custom 24 (god's gift to guitar, god personified in wood)

The one mike plays retails for about $1900-2000, on ebay $1200-1500

I got my custom off ebay for $1750, retail $2500
Why don't we all just rip him a new one for saying hello. :rolleyes:

It did sound silly, but..

I think Mike is busy touring/recording/making metal. All of the above. He'll let ya know when he's here. Also, I don't think he's got much control over where they go on tour. (something he's mentioned before) I'd think MN is a stop, but I'd think Australia would be a stop too. poor aussies

Thorns, you should be in movies. ;)
You can find out how much a PRS costs somewhere else, and don't beg him to tour its not up to him. Stop just trying to get Mikael's attention....