Heya guys! Introducing myself.. oh and a wallpaper :D


Addicted Neverhead
Nov 5, 2006
Hey everyone, I'm Frank! And thanks to Seedawakener, I've been brought to this awesome forum. I'm an obsessed Neverwhore/Neverhead.. I absoloutely love them, and I'm so happy that Steve is a frequent poster here! :headbang:

I'm 18 years old and play guitar for 2 small years, but I've been improving a lot thanks to the fantastic discovery of Nevermore, I remember that one year ago, I was walking in a CD shop looking for something (with Slipknot blasting through my ears :lol:), and I noticed this CD that caught my immediate attention: it was This Godless Endeavor. The NM typography and general flair of the cover got me! And it was wrapped in a plastic with stickers saying "Best Metal album 10/10, Modern Metal Classic 5/5, ..." all great comments and all.
So I decided I take it and go to the counter and ask them to play it on the CD-instalation they had there.. And BAM, Born. I was already very impressed by the speed of those low crushing guitar riffs, but when the chorus kicked in, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The melody, the cosmic guitar lead. I was mesmerized. When Loomis' solo was playing, the whole world just seazed to exist arround me... after listening to Born I immediatly bought the album and forgot completely whatever I wanted, nothing could beat this type of metal, I thought :) AND WTF, they have an ACTUAL SINGER! :lol::lol:
I now own every single Nevermore release, and all of them are incredible. My guitar style had a drastic change, and now I'm starting to get my solo-ing better :) (Still can't sweep though).

So yeah, sorry for the long story, but I just wanted to show my appreciation towards Nevermore. You guys rock hard :kickass:

I'm also a digital artist... I made this wallpaper for Nevermore: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/40597003/

I hope you guys like it! And I'm so gonna love this forum :D I MIGHT join the solo contest as well, sounds like much fun! :headbang::headbang: