
Speaking of It, yesterday at a local used book store I got the harcover edition of It for only $4.00!! Hell YAY!
hey you guys actually know about 2500 words in English are from (mainly) Flemish and Dutch origin?

pickle/ pekel
bulwark/ bolwerk
boor/ boer
buoy/ boei
dock/ dok
landscape/ landschap
beleager/ belegeren
waggon/ wagen
brandy/ brandewijn
smuggle/ smokkelen
cruise/ kruisen

and of course

'French' fries!!!
haha, now you guys changed the name to freedom fries and liberty waffles, the french ambassador admitted it's actally belgian :rock:

oh and here's a small report of of the Peasants Revolt of 1381 (England) against the Flemish immigrants (who were invited to ply and teach their weaving-trade). Sometimes they were so numerous that they aroused the antagonism of the local inhabitants:

"many flemmynges loste here heedes... and namely they that koude not say Breede and Chese, But Case and Brode"
You forgot such fine elements of vocabulary as coolslaw (sp?) and aardvark. For all you English and Americans who have wondered why these words are so silly, it's because of the Dutch. Kill them! :D

@Tee: I guess I'm just a blushing kinda guy :p If you don't believe me I've got a pic of me coming up for my sig (but my scanner is taking a dirt nap and I have to use my girlfriend's. Hence the delay. I'll promise not to blush anymore :grin:
Stormrider1981 said:
Okay! Everybody say "Schild en Vriend"! !
How about you tell me what that is first. :cool:
schild en vriend means ahum (pronounced something like sghghghilt (ch like you want to get some slime out of your throat/or a choking sound) aen (like in Ben) vrreend (pronounce the r like a scotsman and the ie like in bEEr but not as long)...shield and friend.
In 1302 there was a revolution: the Flemings (the Klauwaerts (Claw-people or so)) wanted to get rid of the French (the Leliards) so theyentered their houses and asked them to say schild en vriend but the French suck at dutch and they said skilt enfrrrrrien (or so..) and so they got butchered to say it nicely.
Anyway on July 11th 1302 the French army dressed in their nicest armour with golden spurs were going to take revenge against those Flemish peasants armed with sticks and scythes and stuff. BUT we destroyed the fking french (which was held impossible...Unlike sad in braveheart the battle of bannockburn or whatever one it was wasn't the only time simple folk won against knights...'our' Battle of the Golden Spurs was the most important and an example for the scottish, the swiss,...who copied it)

Anyway, legend says that a knight in a golden armour aided the Flemings and shouted Vlaanderen De Leeuw (Flanders the Lion) so they were encouraged and smashed the french...

hehe, hope you like history :)
Hey, Iris, forgot about me? :yuk: Awel merci! ;)
so there were already 2 flemish-speaking-belgians on this forum, now there are 3 of us
Welcome stormrider :)

Iris said:
Yup, welcome!
Feel free to sail the sea of possibilities with us!!

xxx Iris xxx
p.s. Ken je die andere belg hier op 't forum ook al?
Zit d'r hier namelijk nog eentje, goed zoeken..maar
hij is't d'r wel! /forum/images/smilies/wink.gif
Oops, used my old name which I made when I was having trouble with this one
and Yippy! my avatar works again!
"go into your mother's cunt", would be direct translation. like normal curse, when you are upset and have a message to deliver to somebody. of course, azal would know how to translate it better, but somebody chased him away from here...
Stormrider1981 said:
That Dutch word didn't happen to be 'Hottentottententententoonstellingsterrein'?QUOTE]

Actually, it's:

xxx Iris xxx
Lil Witch said:
Hey, Iris, forgot about me? :yuk: Awel merci! ;)
so there were already 2 flemish-speaking-belgians on this forum, now there are 3 of us
Welcome stormrider :)

Duh, koekerd!! ;)
How could i forget you?
Nope, you're still in memory, W! ;)
A lot has changed and i just didn't felt like it, to share all the
juicy details about my life throught the internet.
When we meet in person, i'll tell ya.
Alles ok met jou?
Ik hoop 't wel..
Doe B de groetjes!

xxx Iris xxx
Stormrider1981 said:
That Dutch word didn't happen to be 'Hottentottententententoonstellingsterrein'?


edited spelling

It was the dutch translation of Nevermore, which i tried to teach 'm!
Nooit meer... :grin:
the hottentotten-thingy, is just too much!!
He would have swallowed his tongue..i guess ;)
Jim almost choked when he tried to pronounce my last name! :lol:
But..after a few tries, he succeeded!
The Soilworkers were teaching them things too, btw!
Warrel was all into swedish-talking..and i still don't know what they were
talking about,(and i don't think i wanna find out, because it was Warrel who once said to me: "it all starts with the filthy words, first!") but it sure sounded funny as hell!! :lol:

xxx Iris xxx
Deconstruct my Reality said:
Welcome Stormrider!
And....HEY!!!! where are you getting those cookies from!?! Have you been stealing them from Iris???? Sis..you better check that cookie jar! :)


Hmm, i guess this kid sure got bored of them!! :lol:
And sis.. cookie jar is empty! :eek:
now WHO ate them all? Greedy lil' bastards! :p
