Hi all i'm in rome


Jul 21, 2003
Visit site
And i cant stop eatin icecream and pizza and pasta and the wine is TOOOO cheap and well is there a festival of some sort on, anyone know? cos this place is full of tattooed pierced muso's.
Lord_Of_This_World said:
Dress up as darth vader and see if the pope lets on to you.
There's a dress code for the vatican, you have to cover your shoulders haha i lent a top off my friend to go in and it was an omen top :Smokedev: i didnt realise till i got out of there.
StevenK said:
why you in rome for??
enjoy yourself!
Just for a little break, the coliseum was ace, it was a totally different type of holiday for me. Normally i'm into the beach bar and karaoke, but not this one it was all about socialising with the nuns :D
theyve shut down the nunneries ( haha nice spellin stevo ) over here, no more nuns!!!!

i wanna go there at some stage too and have a look around! scool place to visit with all it's history and that
enjoy whatevers left of it!