Hi all?


New Metal Member
Nov 14, 2006
Hey every1, Im new to this thread so i didnt know if there was a thread to introduce yourself. So ill just do it here.
My name is Damien, im 15, I love Hypocrisy and most death metal of all kinds. I am from Britain so if there any other british hypocrisy fans out there, please say hi. Ill talk to any1.

hey im from suffolk ipswich good to no there some english hypo fans kinda rare where i live
I'm from Australia. Only got into Hypocrisy a few years ago, when watching Wacken live vids and saw Eraser. Went and bought The Arrival the next day. My fav album would be Abducted :)
I'm from Ukraine. I was on the Hypocrisy's gig when they visited Kiev in 28 april this year!
Shamateur Privetstvuyu!:headbang: :kickass: Vladivostok hot huy znaet kak daleko, no vse ravno Rossia (sosedi) :)
I'm not that new but I lOOOOOVE Hypocrasy :headbang:
And I live in a damn far country 230 moles under the civilisation
Damn all we've got is sea and sun and no good metal bands
wanna get out of here:puke:
I'm new also! However I've been a Hypo fanatic since The Fourth Dimension (12 years). I live in Baltimore, Maryland. Hopefully I'll be able to contribute some worthwhile stuff to the board :headbang: